Many low-income countries face enormous constraints which limit the development of mental health services. The World Health Organization (WHO) made ten recommendations to facilitate the development of mental health services; among these is the integration of mental health into primary care. Jamaica developed an integrated collaborative system of mental health care through the adoption of a primary care model which is central to the delivery of mental health care. This model emphasized the integration of mental health into primary care and, in expanding the role of the mental health team, made it more collaborative. Mental health services were mainstreamed into primary care and several strategies facilitated this process. These included the training of staff in primary care, the availability of psychotropic medication in primary care facilities and the provision of mental health beds at the community level. Furthermore, focus was placed on human development and the involvement of consumers in the policy development and service delivery. This has resulted in a reduction in the population of the mental health hospital and expansion in the community mental health services.