Objectives: Variations such as communications between median nerve and musculocutaneous nerve or in their abnormal branching pattern constitute a major concern in clinical and surgical field. Knowledge of these variations not only provides the clinician with a proper interpretation of the case, but also minimizes the complication in surgical approaches in this region.
Method: We examined 50 isolated upper limbs to investigate the possible incidences of various types of communications between these two neighbouring peripheral nerves.
Result: Twenty-eight per cent of limbs were found to have communication between these two nerves. When categorized according to Venieratos and Anagnostopoulou’s classification method, 11 out of 14 cases (79%) showed type I communications, two out of 14 (14%) showed type II and the remaining one (7%) showed type III communication pattern.
Conclusion: Prior knowledge of communications between these two neighbouring nerves, both in terms of their incidences and pattern of communications, may be of considerable significance to neurologists and orthopaedicians in dealing with nerve entrapment syndromes in the upper limb of patients.
e-Published: 18 Feb, 2014
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