Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration (EBUS-TBNA) in the diagnosis of thoracic sarcoidosis.
Methods: A retrospective dataset of 35 patients who received EBUS-TBNA was analysed. These patients underwent EBUS-TBNA due to suspected sarcoidosis (radiographic stages I and II) with enlarged hilar or mediastinal lymph nodes (≥ 1.0 cm) revealed by computed tomography. When EBUS-TBNA was considered to be nondiagnostic, surgical biopsy and clinical and radiological follow-up was performed.
Results: Twenty-eight of 35 (80%) patients had a final diagnosis of sarcoidosis. Among them, 25 (89.3%) were diagnosed by EBUS-TBNA.
Conclusion: Endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration is a safe and effective procedure for the diagnosis of stages I and II thoracic sarcoidosis.