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Books in a Library

Vol 66, Issue 1: 2017

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Special Articles

  • ID Khan, AK Sahni
    The study evaluated a combined antigen-antibody based test for rapid, sensitive and specific diagnostic methodology comparable to polymerase chain reaction. The approach was found to be highly sensitive, specific, user-friendly, compact, frugal and thus, suitable for use in dengue outbreaks, field conditions and as bed-side diagnostic tests, for confirmation of dengue outbreaks in resource-limited facilities.
  • T James-Powell, Y Brown, CDC Christie, R Melbourne-Chambers, JT Moore, O Morgan, B Butler, K Swaby, A Garbutt, J Anzinger, RB Pierre, A Onyonyor, L Bryan, PM Palmer, P Mitchell, P Johnson, K Bishop, JR Jaggon, W De La Haye
    Newborns with the characteristics of congenital syndrome associated with Zika virus (CSAZ) are being born in urban hospitals after the 2016 Zika virus epidemic in Jamaica. Phenotypic features include microcephaly, craniofacial disproportion, neuro-imaging and neuro-pathological findings and arthrogryposis. A trend towards babies being delivered with small head circumferences, but not yet in the range of microcephaly and others with normal head sizes who were born to women who were symptomatic in pregnancy is also being observed. While, most babies with probable CSAZ are being born to asymptomatic women who did not report any symptoms related to arbovirus illness in pregnancy. Diagnosis is challenged by serological cross-reactivity between circulating flaviviruses. Team management is multidisciplinary to maximize the neuro-developmental potential of this vulnerable patient population.
  • SL Busch, S Bidaisee
    Primary data were collected to examine symptomatic differences by age group and to assess differences between those exposed and unexposed to chikungunya virus.

Original Articles

Dental Forum

  • MS Herrera, CE Medina-Solís, L Avila-Burgos, NL Robles-Bermeo, E Lara-Carrillo, SE Lucas-Rincón, ML Márquez-Corona, JJ Villalobos-Rodelo
    Oral health studies in Nicaragua are sparse. We determined the patterns of treatment needs for dental caries and restorative care index on the permanent dentition of Nicaraguan children. High treatment needs for dental caries and little experience of restorative care was observed. The indices were moderated by socio-economic variables.

Case Reports

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