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Expression of WNT10A Gene in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma



Objective: Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) constitutes the most frequent malignant tumour of the oral cavity. Considering the significant roles the Wnt family plays in physiological and pathological events, this study aims to investigate WNT10A gene expression in OSCC.

Methods: The cohort was composed of 59 specimens: 49 with OSCC and 10 controls. Total RNA from the samples was extracted, cDNA was synthesized and Real-time PCR analyses were performed, with β-ACTIN as internal control.

Results: The number of OSCC samples for the 4 TNM stages was: 5 (10.2%) stage I, 10 (20.4%) stage II, 9 (18.3%) stage III, and 25 (51.1%) stage IV. For Real-Time PCR analysis, significant difference was found between control samples and OSCC stage IV (p < 0.01).

Conclusion: Higher levels of WNT10A expression was observed in OSCC stage IVsuggesting a potential role in tumour progression. 

11 Dec, 2014
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e-Published: 14 Jan, 2016
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