Objective: To evaluate the effect of adductive-covered nitinol stents on tracheobronchial granulation tissue hyperplasia and assess the clinical application value.
Methods: Thirty-two patients were treated with ordinary-covered nitinol stents, and 28 patients were treated with adductive-covered nitinol stents. Bronchoscopy was performed in patients 2, 4, and 8 weeks after tracheobronchial stent implantation, and the occurrence and extent of granulation tissue hyperplasia were recorded simultaneously.
Results: Varying degrees of granulation tissue hyperplasia were observed in patients from both groups. The extent of granulation tissue hyperplasia in the group treated with adductive-covered nitinol stents was far less than the group treated with ordinary covered-nitinol stents.
Conclusion: Compared with ordinary-covered nitinol stents, adductive-covered nitinol stents can significantly reduce granulation tissue hyperplasia at both ends of the stent without any special side effects, and thus adductive-covered nitinol stents are a good prospect for clinical application in the treatment of benign tracheobronchial stenosis.
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