Objective: To determine the survival analysis of children with Vesicoureteric reflux (VUR) in relation to the development of renal failure, and the associated factor in relation with high grade VUR.
Method: A retrospective study of all children diagnosed with VUR whom were treated from the paediatrics wards and clinics was undertaken. Children whose medical records were not able to be traced and patients who have underlying chronic diseases such as SLE, Nephrotic Syndrome and children on chemotherapy medications were excluded from the study. Informed consent was obtained from the subjects after being given a full explanation of the study procedure.
Results: Forty-five children had VUR. The mean age of presentation was 1.3(SD ±0.66) years old. A majority of them were boys 30 (66.7%). Twenty-two children (48.9%) had bilateral VUR. Thirty-one children (68.9%) had high grade VUR. VUR were complicated with recurrence UTI (24, 53.3%) and renal failure (14, 31.1%). The median survival time for the children in the high grade VUR group to develop renal failure was eight years. Presence of bilateral VUR was found to be significantly associated with renal failure after adjusting for gender, presence of UTI, income and education [OR (95% CI): p value: 5.7 (1.22, 26.33): p = 0.027]. There was a significant association between children with high grade VUR and the degree of renal failure, where the p value was 0.034.
Conclusion: A majority of patients with vesicoureteric reflux were of high grade reflux and could potentially lead to renal failure. Predictive factor for renal failure was bilateral VUR.
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