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Silver Nitrate may be far Superior to Podophyllin in Clearing HPV External Anogenital Warts

Journal Authors: 
Longitudinal data from a case series indicated that clearance rates (95% CIs) of anogenital warts (AGW) by silver nitrate (n = 14) and podophyllin (n = 34) were 93% (79.35, 100) and 14.7% (3, 27) respectively; and RR, 6.31 (95% CI 2.77, 14.37, p = 0.052), relative benefit increase, 532% (410, 654), and NNT, 1 (1, 2). The total effort needed US$28(BB$56) vs US$598 in 1–3 vs 1–37 visits to achieve one successfully treated patient respectively. While subject to the errors of an open, non-randomized case series, silver nitrate was highly efficacious and cost-effective and should replace podophyllin at the Winston Scot Polyclinic.
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e-Published: 05 Jul, 2013
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