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Anaesthetic morbidity

Anaesthetic Morbidity at the University Hospital of the West Indies

Prospective analysis of 3185 anaesthetic procedures revealed a complication rate of 201 per 1000 intraoperatively and 93 per 1000 during recovery. Cardiovascular complications were most frequent intra-operatively, whilst hyperglycaemia, nausea and vomiting were most common during recovery. Risk factors included ASA status, age, co-morbid conditions, prolonged anaesthesia, high surgical risk and intubation.


Objective: There is little information on adverse anaesthetic outcomes from the Caribbean. The aim of this study was to investigate the occurrence of anaesthetic morbidity and mortality at the University Hospital of the West Indies (UHWI) and to identify possible risk factors.

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e-Published: 20 Sep, 2013
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