Medical Councils and Boards are de facto the gatekeepers of the work of medical doctors and their interaction with the public. This article examines some ethical and medico-legal issues that may arise when biomedical doctors are not licensed in a particular year to practice medicine.
In an exploratory study examining the relationship between Caribbean immigrants’ acculturative stress in the United States of America and their health, various gender-related similarities (and differences) were reported. Both males and females who had higher acculturative stress (personal problems) had higher levels of depression.
IW Crandon, HE Harding-Goldson, A McDonald, D Fearon-Boothe, N Meeks-Aitken
Head injury in admitted patients is mainly due to road traffic accidents, falls and interpersonal violence. More effective prevention strategies including education and law enforcement are urgently warranted.
IW Crandon, HE Harding-Goldson, M Benaris, AH McDonald
Reduction in unnecessary admissions, cost savings and increased efficiency may result from standardization of admission criteria for head-injured patients and consistent implementation of guidelines for admission without increased risk to patients.
HE Harding-Goldson, IW Crandon, AH McDonald, R Augier, D Fearon-Boothe, A Rhoden, N Meeks-Aitken
The majority of transferred head-injured patients sustained mild injuries with a third requiring surgical procedures and 19% requiring Intensive Care Unit care. Appropriate educational, training and transfer programmes and transfer policies must be implemented to minimize inappropriate transfers.
This study measured drivers’ understanding of safety belt issues. While most Trinidad motorists are comfortable wearing safety belts and understand their purpose, fewer understand their relationship
with airbags. Education was preferred for increasing belt usage and should be used to attain long-term goals.
EW Williams, M Reid, JLM Lindo, J Williams-Johnson, S French, P Singh, AH McDonald
It is concluded from this hospital-based study that the mandatory seat belt law was associated with increased seat belt use in vehicle accident victims. However, current data from the Road Traffic Agency
indicated that there is still an alarming number of fatalities. This clearly suggests that additional public health measures are needed to address the epidemic of motor vehicle trauma in Jamaica.
This prospective study evaluated the risk-adjusted outcome of a multidisciplinary Intensive Care Unit of a tertiary care hospital in Trinidad and Tobago applying and validating different prognostic scoring systems for adult and paediatric patients.
Infected nonunion of long bones has been a challenge for orthopaedic surgeons. The Illizarov method simultaneously addresses nonunion, infection, shortening and deformity.
O Bolgen-Cimen, N Arýncý-Ýncel, M Karabiber, C Erdogan
The possible relation of obesity to the disability in low back pain patients was investigated. The results indicated that patients with low back pain did not suffer from worse pain if they were obese but risk a more disabled life due to their weight.
The significant relationship between unmnet needs and quality of life in breast cancer patients may be
improved with interventions for patients’ psychosocial needs. This will require re-evaluation of doctor-patient communication.
Biochemical and radiological investigations were performed in a series of patients suspected of having primary hyperaldosteronism. While biochemical diagnoses were effectively made, the evaluation of subtypes of primary hyperaldosteronism still presents a considerable challenge.
This study was done to determine the mean level of adherence and factors contributing to non-adherence in patients on Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy. Adherence was found to be sub-optimum in the majority of patients.