Ms. Danielle Mullings is a multidimensional graduate of the Faculty of Science and Technology with interests including technology, leadership, and the arts. Danielle found her love for technology at Campion College, where she placed regionally and nationally in the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) Computer Science while balancing her role as head girl. This UWI Open Scholar has previously made the Dean’s List and received academic commendations for her performance over the years. Said to be "one of the field's brightest young minds," Danielle believes strongly in the power of technology and innovation in edifying society and would ultimately like to work in areas with civic applications of technology. This complements her work as the Impact & Partnerships Officer for Transform Health, a global coalition aimed at using technology as a catalyst for universal health coverage. She aspires to become a world leader in technological representation for the Caribbean and Latin America, focusing on enhancing the Caribbean’s pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Exciting for Mullings is the opportunity to work with youth groups on other key digital health initiatives, including the Governing Health Futures 2030 operated by the Lancet and Financial Times commission. A champion for advocacy, Mullings was also recognized as one of the Young Experts in Tech for Health in the Americas Region. In addition, Mullings was also a UNICEF U-Report Jamaica ambassador. She is the immediate past President of the Guild of Students at the University of the West Indies, Mona, where she has led fund-raising campaigns geared toward providing access to laptops for students on campus and teaching students about the opportunities in the technology industry.
Danielle is also passionate about media and communications. In addition to producing and hosting the Television Jamaica series, GenZed, she also partakes in the documentary-making process, which she sees as the gateway to cultural retention and the edification of regional identity. She aims to advance the Caribbean's capacity to accurately represent its own stories.
She has a natural affinity for leadership and youth empowerment and thus serves on youth councils, both locally and internationally, representing the voice of young people in technology, education, communications, and tech for health.
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