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FST Researchers Collaborate on Study of Rio Minho to Reduce Climate Risks

"RESEARCHERS FROM The University of the West Indies are doing studies of the Rio Minho River in upper Clarendon to see how its sediment loads can be monitored to reduce flood risk and other climate impacts.

The project, which is being led by Dr Arpita Mandal and a team of geologists, geomorphologist and GIS Experts from the Department of Geography and Geology, involves mapping and monitoring sediment load over time and estimating the impact of flooding and erosion.

“We selected about 15 sites or locations along the river and did river transects at each of these. Four additional sites were selected for planting erosion pegs. We are monitoring these sites every month,” explained Mandal, adding that a model for flooding was also being done."

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Published on 26 Sep, 2019

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