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FST Undergrad. Student is Founder of ReBuild

"KINGSTON, Jamaica— Founder of ReBuild, Zara Harris, has formulated a novel way of utilising discarded plastics in the construction of environmentally friendly albedo (heat resistant) pavements.

The project minimises the amount of plastics in the environment, while the low temperature sidewalks allow for cooler surroundings.

“These pavements will not reflect the sunlight in a blinding way, and facilitate a smoother run-off of storm water than traditional pavements. Moreover, we will use non-potable water in making the tiles,” Harris says.

“I plan to branch off in the use of plastics in the patching and construction of roads later on. At first, I was thinking of doing this aspect, but because of the large scale, I decided to start with the pavements,” she adds.

Harris points to research showing that 22 per cent of Caribbean households dispose of their waste improperly and that 30 per cent of the litter consists of plastics, making it one of the main pollutants offshore and onshore. "


Read entire article below.

Published on 06 Jan, 2020

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