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Grand Innovation Challenge | Forecast 2022 Academic Conference

FORECAST 2022 is pleased to announce the call for applications for the Grand Innovation Challenge. The Grand Innovation Challenge is to develop a feasible innovation (prototype/product/concept) that will revolutionize the management, protection, and use of WATER RESOURCES in the Caribbean. It is open to teams of secondary and tertiary students in CARICOM. Teams must be comprised of 2-5 individuals (16 years and older).

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 6, 11, and 14 all speak to the importance of WATER in daily lives. It is recognized that water is a finite resource, and while it is required to maintain life, it can also cause widespread destruction and loss of life. The management of water resources on both land and sea is therefore of vital importance to the sustainable development of towns, cities, and entire economies. This is particularly the case for the Caribbean region, and there is a need for innovation in the application of technology to make this a reality.








Published on 29 Mar, 2022

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