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Jamaica Gleaner | Climate change adaptation is everybody's business


“Adaptation measures may be costly and require upfront payments and in many cases benefit communities that do not have the means to pay for the adaptation in either the short or long term. So, governments should lead the way in investment, both from their own funds and in seeking external/international financing,” noted Dr David Smith, coordinator for the Institute for Sustainable Development at The University of the West Indies. “Governments must also ensure that the policy and legal environment they create is in harmony with adaptation and adaptation investments. For example, subsidising developments that destroy mangroves while simultaneously investing money in mangrove restoration is contradictory. Investing in water supplies for cities needs to go along with investment in watershed protection and ensuring that development activities do not jeopardise water supplies,” he added. “This requires a multidisciplinary approach to development and more policy coherence and cooperation between government ministries and departments than currently exists in many SIDS (small island developing states),” Smith said further.


Published on 14 Feb, 2022

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