Fifty students graduated on Friday after completing a month-long coding camp funded by reggae artiste Chronixx and aimed at further opening their eyes to the possibilities in the world of technology in spurring development.
Staged between July 4 and 29 at The University of the West Indies (UWI), Mona, Chronixx told The Gleaner that he was inspired to initiate the JamCoders Summer Camp to create a new system of thinkers in the country.
One 16-year-old participant told The Gleaner that the camp exposed them to advanced concepts, noting that he found it very useful as he intends to pursue a career in computer science.
“I had only a little experience in programming and coding and computer science, but after this camp, ... I really feel like I've learnt a lot in IT (information technology) and a lot in algorithms,” said the youngster, who had learnt of the camp through his IT teacher.
Photo caption: Chronixx (second right) poses with awardees of the JamCoders Coding and Algorithms Camp 2022 during a graduation ceremony at The University of the West Indies, Mona, on Friday. The artiste funded the four-week camp, which he hopes to make an annual event.
Photo credit: Ian Allen
Published on 09 Aug, 2022