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Laptop Loan Policy

Eligible Borrowers

  • Laptops may be borrowed by currently registered postgraduate and undergraduate students and faculty members

  • The borrower must be in good standing with the Library - no blocks, overdue books or outstanding fines.

Circulation Procedures 

  • Each user is allowed to borrow one laptop at any one time.

  • Laptops may be borrowed Monday to Friday between 9.00 am and 4:00 pm for 3 hours and must be returned by 4:30 pm.

  • The borrower must present a valid UWI ID card which will be held until the laptop is returned

  •  Laptops may be borrowed in the Main Library from MERIC and the Science and Medical Branches.

  • Laptops cannot be reserved. They are lent on a first- come first -serve basis.

  • Laptops may only be used inside the lending library and can only be taken outside only in the event of an emergency when the library has to be evacuated.

  • The borrower is responsible for the safety of the laptop and will be held liable for any loss or damage to it or its attachments

  • Laptops more than one hour overdue will be deemed lost and the borrower will be assessed for the replacement fee of US$1,415.00 or the Jamaican equivalent, plus a J$500.00 non-refundable processing fee. A block will be placed against the student’s University account until full payment is made. The replacement cost is refundable if the computer is returned in good working order. 

  • Laptops must be returned in person to a MERIC staff member. It is important that the person receiving the laptop signs the book to indicate they received it in good working order.   Ten minutes should be allowed for check-in.

  • The first time you borrow a laptop you are required to complete and sign a Loan Agreement Form which sets out the responsibilities of the borrower. 


Phone:   (876) 970-6586
            (876) 935-8294

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