This course starts with a description of the latest techniques in block based transmission with strong emphasis on Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM). Multiple input/output antennas systems with applications to ultra wideband systems are then analyzed. Access control and management to ensure quality data transmission is discussed. The introduction of WIMAX and LTE systems and standards are detailed as examples of 4G systems. Finally, the future trends and possible convergence of networks are elaborated.
One 2-hour final exam 60%
One 1-hour in-course tests 20%
Five Take home assignments (equal weighting) 20%
After completing this course, students should be able to:
Text Book:
Wong, D. T. C., Kong, P.-Y., Liang, Y.-C., Chua, K. C. & Mark, J. W. (2009) Wireless broadband networks. John Wiley and Sons.ISBN 978-0470-18177-5
Supplemental Reading:
Singh, M. & Heath, R. (2009) OFDM: Principles of multicarrier modulation. Pearson Education, Limited. ISBN 978-0131-57027-6
Fortheringham, V. & Sharma, C. (2008) Wireless broadband: conflict and convergence. IEEE Press: Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 978–0470–22762-6
Internet Resources:
Broadband access regulation and policy