The purpose of this course is to show how physics is applied in health sciences. This course is designed for students to gain an understanding of how the body works and to apply principles of physics in the health sciences and in the human body.
• Biomechanics of the human body, related pathology, diagnostic measurement methods and treatment.
• Biofluid dynamics of the human body, related pathology, diagnostic measurement methods and treatment.
• Electrical properties of the body, related pathology, diagnostic measurement methods and treatment.
• Physics of the speaking and audition, related pathology, diagnostic measurement methods and treatment.
• Physics of the vision, related pathology, diagnostic measurement methods and treatment.
At the end of the course the students will be able to:
• describe the elasticity of soft and hard biological tissue, mechanics of trauma and vascular diseases;
• discuss how the lungs and heart operate and outline various diseases;
• describe the nerve action potential and transmission, electrical conduction system of the nerves, heart and muscles;
• discuss the system of eye/ear and determine how the eye/ear is able to convert electromagnetic/sound waves into electrical current;
• perform calculations related to these principles of physics.