Clinical Training course designed primarily for health physicists, medical physicists and other radiation protection professionals to facilitate the design and management of radiation protection programmes for radiotherapy facilities. The course is designed to equip the student with the necessary skills to recommend safety actions, train hospital staff, to plan and design new radiotherapy facilities and to remodel existing facilities. Radiation safety is a concern for patients, physicians, and staff in radiotherapy departments. Appropriate knowledge and practice of radiation protection helps to reduce unnecessary exposure with a goal to minimize the harmful effects of ionizing radiation.
On successful completion of the course, students should be able to:
1. Design a local radiation protection management
2. Apply local protection regulations and publications
3. Handle radiation sources used in Radiation Oncology
4. Implement protection measures for radiation treatment rooms for external beam therapy and brachytherapy
5. Organize provisions required for protection against medical exposure, occupational and public exposure
6. Carry out emergency procedures
7. Train other staff members on safe handling and use of radiation sources and generators