Review of Vector Analysis and Vector Calculus
Derivation of Maxwell’s equations in differential form. Equation of continuity. Poisson’s equation. Derivation of the electro-magnetic wave equation. Solution for plane waves in dielectrics. Electro-magnetic nature of light. Energy flow and the Poynting vector. Boundary conditions. Reflection and refraction of electro-magnetic waves at dielectric boundaries. Derivation of Snell’s law. Fresnel’s equations. Total reflection. Brewster’s angle. Transmission and reflection co-efficients. Propagation of electro-magnetic waves in conducting media. Skin depth. Energy flow in conductors. Reflection of Electro-magnetic waves by a conductor. Dispersion of electro-magnetic waves in various media. Sources of Electromagnetic waves.
(Overall Theory and Practical to be passed separately)
One 2-hour theory examination paper 70%
One 1-hour in-course test or equivalent 20%
Practical work 10%