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Schedule 2019

Date: Wednesday February 6
Date Time Type Details Venue


Overview: Campus visitors will have the opportunity to explore or research facilities and museums, by participating in the following tours:

  • Tour of Geology Museum
  • Tour of Map Library
  • Tour of Herbarium
  • Tour of Medicinal Plants (Botany Gardens)
  • Tour of Zoology Museum
  • Tour of the Natural Products Institute’s Mosquito Research facilities, Biochemistry Lab and Cell Culture Screening Laboratory.

Audience: UWI Students, High School Students, General Public

Venue Description: Tours Depart  the URD Schools & Tours Centre adjacent the Assembly  Hall

URD Tours Centre
Wednesday February 6 12:00PM - 1:00PM TOURS

Guided Tour of the Main Library

Overview: Tour highlights key spaces, services and resources of the Main Library.

Led by: Mrs. Audrey Whyte, Secretary, Public Services, Main Library

Venue Description: Catalogue Hall, Main Library

The Main Library
Wednesday February 6 12:00PM - 1:00PM CONSULTATION

Mold Cleaning & Mitigation Consultation Sessions

Overview: Introduces participants to basic mold cleaning and mitigating strategies.

Facilitators: Mr. Dunstan Newman, Conservation & Preservation Librarian; Mr. Dave Brown, Chief Binder, Main Library; Mr. Robert Murray Senior Binder, Main Library

Venue Description: Library Booth, Mona Research Village

Mona Research Village
Wednesday February 6 2:00PM - 3:00PM WORKSHOP

Plagiarism and Referencing Workshop

Overview: Defines plagiarism and offers a guide to avoiding plagiarism through referencing in text and at the end of the paper

Facilitator: Ms. Myrna Douglas, Head: Law Branch Library

Venue Desrciption: Library Booth Mona Research Village

Mona Research Village
Wednesday February 6 3:00PM - 4:30PM WORKSHOP

Endnote Workshop

Overview: Step-by-step guide to managing your references using Endnote software.

Facilitator: Ms. Myrna Douglas, Head: Law Branch Library

Venue Description: Library Booth Mona Research Village

Mona Research Village
Wednesday February 6 1:00PM - 2:30PM FORUM AND LAUNCH

Building a Caribbean Professional Learning Community in English Language Teaching

Overview: The School of Education’s Scholarship of English Language Teaching and Learning (SoELTL) Caribbean Commons seeks to provide an avenue for mentoring, fostering and advancing teaching and learning and the researching of these everyday classroom activities by teachers/lecturers and their students as scholarly work. The event will unveil the ambitious programme and will also mark the launch of SOETRAIL a Peer-reviewed Best Practice Magazine that publishes research on Teaching, Research, Assessment, Innovation and Leadership in Education.

Keynote Speaker: Dr Maurice Smith. International Educational Consultant

Collaborating Organizations: Jamaica Association of Principals of Secondary Schools (JAPSS); Association of Principals and Vice Principals (APVP); English Language Teaching Faculty, Teachers’ Colleges and Departments of English, Secondary Schools

The Undercroft, Senate Building
Wednesday February 6 1:00PM - 2:00PM CONSULTATION

Document Preservation Consultation Sessions

Overview: Introduces participants to:

  1. Care and Handling of Brittle Items
  2. Binding & Repair
  3. Salvaging of Wet Items
  4. Basic Conservation Treatment.

Facilitators: Mr. Dunstan Newman, Conservation & Preservation Librarian; Mr. Dave Brown, Chief Binder, Main Library; Mr. Robert Murray Senior Binder, Main Library

Venue Description: Library Booth Mona Research Village

Mona Research Village
Wednesday February 6 5:00PM - 7:00PM PROFESSORIAL LECTURE

Inaugural Professorial Lecture: Strengthening Health Care Systems through Capacity Building for Research and Policy Development among Nurses and Midwives

Overview: Nurses and midwives are the primary point of contact within health care systems with potential for great health care innovations to improve the quality of care. This can be achieved by providing a platform for developing research and leadership capacity among nurses and midwives, fostering dynamic and sustained engagement of researchers, research users and decision makers in the policy development process and supporting the scale up of innovative programs and practices.

Presenter: Professor Eulalia Kahwa, The UWI School of Nursing

Lecture Theatre 3 Faculty of Medical Sciences, Teaching & Research Complex
Wednesday February 6 5:00PM - 7:00PM PANEL DISCUSSION

Transitioning out of Enhanced Security Measures: Sustaining Security Gains

Overview: Persons attending this panel discussion will hear from experts (researchers and practitioners) about key strategies for sustaining violence reduction in Jamaica (and which may be applicable elsewhere in the Caribbean). Attendees will hear about current innovations, evidence-based practices in violence reduction and crime control policy.

Panellists: Professor Anthony Harriott, Director, Institute of Criminal Justice and security, UWI; Mr. Damian Hutchinson, Executive Director, Peace Management Initiative; Mr. Mark Shields, Former Deputy Commissioner of Police – Jamaica Constabulary Force.

Council Room, UWI Regional Headquarters
Date: Wednesday February 6 2019
Date Time Type Details Venue
Wednesday February 6 2019 3:00PM - 6:00PM EXHIBITION


Overview: The Village is an interactive and participatory themed exhibition for visitors to explore and learn more about our research. Special exhibits will also pinpoint contributions made by Mona researchers to Policy development, spotlight upcoming researchers, and unveil emerging studies.

Open to the Public, visiting students and campus community.

The Graduation Lawn


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