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Radio Waves and Curriculum Pathways for Social Learning: Jamaican “At Risk “Learners Construct Media


Grade 7 students labelled as ‘At -Risk ” because of their low language and literacy abilities needed an alternative space that flipped classroom teaching and learning to make English relevant , audible , visible and a “ manipulative” for students. This need gave birth to The Radio Active Classroom.


Educating for Democratic Citizenship: Views of Selected Jamaican Secondary Students

Definition of the Problem

  • There have been numerous debates on the effectiveness of the education system to develop active democratic citizens.
  • This has prompted concern as to the experiencesof students in living democratic citizenship in their schools, community and nation.

Research Methodology

Teachers Transferring MOOC Learning to Classroom Practice


Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) for teacher professional development is a relatively new phenomenon. With very little research examining the extent to which MOOC participants transfer their learning to their classroom practice, our research investigates this occurrence.


Commencement Policy Regarding the Appropriate Grade for the teaching/learning of Spanish at the Primary Level in Jamaica

The leaders of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) are cognisant of the many neighbouring Spanish-speaking countries and believethat in order to foster better Caribbean integration, consideration must be given to facilitating and encouraging the teaching of Spanish in the English-speaking countries of the Caribbean.

A survey of Mico University Collegestudents’ Encounter and Responses towards Fake News

A recent surge of fake news brings many concerns. Fake news has a negative impact not only on politics but also onindividuals' everyday life. This study investigates how students from a local university encounter and respond to fake news, and if the responses are different between those students who took an information and media literacy course and those who did not. Survey method is applied in data collection.

School Library Design, Facilities and Resources for Sustainable Cognitive and Social Development of Students: An Evaluative Case Study

This evaluative case study examined the perceived effects that new school library functional and Inspirational spaces, relevant resources, and comfortable facilities had on students' cognitive and social development. The principal and teacher-librarian were interviewed. A questionnaire was administered to eight students from grades 10-13 who had used the old library and new library. Findings revealed that the design of the library, the resources and the facilities seem to positively impact students' cognitive ability and social development.

Toward TVET Certification: The Experiences, Attitudes, and Perceptions of Weekend Spa Therapy Trainees at the HEART College

Sustainable development is made manifest in a country's ability to, "meet the basic needs of employment, food, energy, water and sanitation" (Mondal, 2016). The skill sets and employability of the adult population must become a key focus. This research seeks to examine the reasons participants embarked upon the Spa Therapy programme; the participants' perceptions, attitudes and experiences during the program; the reasons some trainees withdrew from the programme and the completing participants' projections for the future.

Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) Approach: Exploring Solving Differential Equations in the Learning of Calculus

School Mathematics continues to present challenges for students at all levels of the educational system. In many mathematics classrooms, learners are not provided with opportunities to be actively engaged with the subject matter. The curriculum strategies that are employed present mathematics in a de-contextualized manner without any applications to real-world scenarios.

Leadership Behaviours which Inspire Trust

The Problem

  • One imperative of effective leadership is inspiring and winning the trust of others.
  • Distrust affects an organization’s performance negatively as high levels of trust affect performance positively. The issue of trust is, therefore, a major bottom-line issue.
  • Hurley (2006) found that of 450 executives across 30 companies globally, almost half of all managers did not trust their leaders.

Research Questions

Developing a Cost-Effective Virtual Reality Solution to Enhance Student Learning

Traditionally, educational systems worldwide have focused mainly on the use of chalkboards and whiteboards. However, in recent years, they have been replaced by the smart board.

There has been an increase in the amount of information needed to communicate new concepts, and the methods used to teach this information need to be more interactive in order to suit the learning styles of young and technologically savvy students, as well as to maintain their interest in the classroom.


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