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Graduate Programme Information Session

Overview: Information Session on the procedures to enroll in a Masters or Doctoral programme

Facilitator: Mrs. Sandra Powell-Mangaroo, Assistant Registrar, Graduate Studies & Research

Venue Description: OGSR Graduate Lounge, Mona Research Village

Video Presentation on Predatory Journals

Facilitator: Mrs. Sandra Powell-Mangaroo, Assistant Registrar, Graduate Studies & Research

Venue Description: OGSR Graduate Lounge, Mona Research Village

The Elements that Changed the Caribbean

Overview: In celebration of the International Year of the Periodic Table (2019) proclaimed by UNESCO, the Department of Chemistry will host a Public Lecture highlighting various elements of the Periodic Table and how they have shaped the growth and development of our Region. The event will also launch a year long activity, "Element of the Month" featuring 10 elements of the Periodic Table showcasing their applications and impact.

Presenter: TBD 

Nuclear Analytical Techniques

Overview: One hour workshop on the applications of X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) and gamma spectroscopy to measure radionuclides and trace elements in Jamaican foods. This will be held in the department of Physics. Researchers will discuss the health effects of radioactivity and trace elements in foods and industry standards for elemental composition in foods. The senior laboratory technologist will demonstrate the use of equipment to measure elemental composition.


Overview: The event presents a fun and educational opportunity for students to create maps and simulate reducing disaster risks and addressing public health crises. The activities will introduce and provide hands on experience for students in GIS Technology, Cartography and Geography and will expose them to career options in the Geosciences


Overview: The event presents a fun and educational opportunity for students to create maps and simulate reducing disaster risks and addressing public health crises. The activities will introduce and provide hands on experience for students in GIS Technology, Cartography and Geography and will expose them to career options in the Geosciences

Science Scavenger Hunt

Overview: Involve all departments. QR Codes will be mounted at various locations around the faculty and students will have to follow the clues to move from the starting point to the end. Students will need their smartphones or tablets to download QR code reader and use it to participate in the hunt

AUDIENCE: High school students (15 students per session)

Science Scavenger Hunt

Overview: Involve all departments. QR Codes will be mounted at various locations around the faculty and students will have to follow the clues to move from the starting point to the end. Students will need their smartphones or tablets to download QR code reader and use it to participate in the hunt

AUDIENCE: High school students (15 students per session)

CSI Fire Game

Overview: Fire! Delve into the world of Crime Scene Investigations (CSI). Participants will learn basic information about burn patterns and accelerants. Using a series of physical clues and deduction, determine the cause of a fire and solve the case.

Target Audience: High school students

Capacity: 15 students per group

CSI Fire Game

Overview: Fire! Delve into the world of Crime Scene Investigations (CSI). Participants will learn basic information about burn patterns and accelerants. Using a series of physical clues and deduction, determine the cause of a fire and solve the case.

Target Audience: High school students

Capacity: 15 students per group


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