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Overview: Demonstration of earthquake waves and tours of the unit to see the equipment involved in earthquake measurement and monitoring.

DEPARTMENT OF MATH: A Selection of Math games

Overview: A Selection of Math games

AUDIENCE: UWI Students, High School Students, General Public

DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY Ice cream making and other scientific experiments

Overview: Demonstrating basic scientific principles and interactive demonstrations to excite High School Students.

AUDIENCE: UWI Students, High School Students, General Public

Climate Change and Crop Production: Foundations for Agroecosystem Resilience

Overview: From the perspective of agroecology, this book provides a strong foundation for changing research and education programs so that they think and act beyond maximization of yields and instead build both the resistance and resilience that will be needed for the uncertain climate future ahead. Ultimately, these programs will help us move beyond the farm and reach all parts of the food system, creating the multiple elements of resilience we need for change to occur.

Developing Sustainable Balance of Payment in Small Countries: Lessons from Macroeconomic Deadlock in Jamaica

Overview: The book analyses Jamaica’s ability to satisfy its short and long run foreign currency obligations in light of recurrent balance of payment support from international lending agencies.

CANNABIS: Cultivating A New Industry

Overview: The quality standards, new enterprises, social aspects, laws and regulations, protecting intellectual property rights, and cutting-edge technology surrounding the cannabis industry.

Education for Sustainable Development: For Whom and For What?

Overview: The Education for Sustainable Development Working Group (ESD-WG) of the School of Education will be hosting a Forum on theoretical and empirical research undertaken by its members on different aspects of ESD and sustainable development such as: reorienting teacher education to address sustainability; education for democratic citizenship; and proposition MRM as a construction of sustainable development.

Moderator: Dr. Aldrin Sweeney, Senior Lecturer, School of Education, UWI;

SDG 4 Quality Education: Inclusivity, Equity and Lifelong Learning For All

Overview: The book explores the multifaceted and complex nature of the concepts of inclusivity and quality education. Drawing examples from two different country contexts (Latvia and Jamaica), the book explores how and why inclusive and quality education is critical to sustainable development. It considers the indicators of inclusive and quality education, how the concept of education for sustainable development is evolving, and the ways in which these indicators are being pursued.

Legal and Ethical Issues in Information Security: Integrity in the Information Environment

Overview: This research forum will showcase completed research and research in progress from lecturers, graduate students in DLIS and other departments as well as from practitioners in libraries archives and museums via poster presentations. The audience will comprise members of The University community, library and information professionals who work in various libraries as well as students from the Department of Library and Information Studies and from other departments.

Critical Thinking and Fun with Languages

Overview: Three members of staff, Department of Language, Linguistics and Philosophy will guide the scheduled workshops. There will be two daily scheduled daily.

Target Audience: Specially invited High School students and visiting school groups.


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