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Campus Security Committee


Prof. Suzette Haughton Chairman
Dr. Peter Glegg Campus Legal Officer
Mr. Steve McGregor Campus Security Manager
Mr. Jason McKenzie Director Office of Student Services & Development (OSSD)
Mr. Ruel Nelson Acting Deputy Bursar
Mr. Odain Murray Acting Director, Marketing, Recruitment and Communications Office (MARCOMM)
Ms. Nolda Thompson Senior Assistant Registrar, HRMD
Inspector Judith Gibbs Inspector & Officer I/C Mona Police Post
Mr. Patrick Morris Campus Security Manager, Campus Security (King Alarm)
Ms. June Barbour Representative, WIGUT
Mr. Jeffrey Thompson Representative, MONATS
Ms. Wayne Waite Representative, MONATS
Ms. Claudio Keldo Representative, U.A.W.U
Dr. Samuel Brathwaite College Common Association
Dr. Devon Smith Director, Office of Strategic Planning and Enterprise Management
Mr. Christopher Harty Deputy Estate Manager - Technical, Estate Management Department/Maintenance
Major Clive Davis Chief Emergency Management  Officer, SEMS,  Safety and Emergency Management Systems (S.E.M.S.)
Mr. Darion Walker Faculty of Medical Sciences (FMS),  Dean's Representative (FMS)
Dr. Frederick Boyd Faculty of Science and Technology,  Dean's Representative (FST)
Mr. Christopher Muir Senior Information Technology Officer. Mona Information Technology Services (M.I.T.S.)
Mr. Kevin Bushay Representative, The Libraries
Mr. Tejano Taylor Representative, The Guild
Ms. Marie McCalla Representative, Campus Projects Office
Ms. Deneal Walters Recording Secretary, Administrative Officer, Campus Security Office
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