CARIMAC began as the Caribbean Institute of Media and Communication in 1974 and later changed its designation to the Caribbean School of Media and Communication in 2017.
The School was borne out of research by the United Nations Economic, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and a subsequent partnership between the University of the West Indies and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Foundation (FES). The School was created to give regional communicators a Caribbean orientation with professional grounding while ensuring these practitioners assisted with the region’s development.
From 31 students in a Diploma programme in 1974, CARIMAC today delivers a range of programmes including:
Three (3) of the undergraduate programmes are Bachelor of Arts (BA) degrees and two (2) are Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) degree programmes.
Founded as an Institute to train mainly regional journalists in conventional print and electronic media, CARIMAC now provides dedicated educational opportunities for digital animators, film and television producers/directors, radio station content producers and managers, print and online professionals, public relations, marketing and advertising specialists. At the graduate levels we produce leaders in Communication for Social and Behaviour Change, Communication Studies, Media Management and Integrated Marketing Communication, all for senior roles in any sector in Jamaica, the region or globally.