Preparing for the future should include plans for obtaining a higher degree in Chemistry, at least to the Master’s level, which will make you stand out in a global and very competitive society. A postgraduate degree in Chemistry is an excellent qualification, not only for careers in Chemistry but in other science-related disciplines which have their foundations rooted in chemistry. Chemistry is indeed ‘The Central Science’ and a subject which prepares you for the world. Holders of postgraduate degrees in chemistry have been successful in business, management, finance and many other areas.
The Department of Chemistry at Mona offers the following postgraduate qualifiations:
(i) Ph.D. degree (Doctor of Philosophy)
(ii) M.Phil. degree (Master of Philosophy)
(iii ) M.Sc. degree (Master of Science, 4 semesters) in Food and Agro-processing Technology
(iv) Diploma (3 semesters) in Food and Agro-processing Technology.
(v) M. Sc degree (Master of Science, 3 Semeters) in Occupational, Environmental Safety & Health
The Department of Chemistry has 20 full-time Academic Staff members who, along with their postgraduate students, carry out research in the following areas.
Occupational and Environmental Safety and Health (OESH)