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Rose-Ann Smith

Dr. Rose-Ann Smith publishes new children's book on hurricanes

Congratulations to Dr. Rose-Ann Smith on the recent publication of a children's book on hurricane formation, development and impacts. The book is available on Amazon in both paperback and kindle formats. 

Congratulations to Dr. Rose-Ann Smith - Successful completion of the CUTL

Dr. Rose-Ann Smith was one of four membrs of staff of the Faculy of Science and Technology that included Andrea Goldson-Barnaby (Chemistry), Phillipa Bennett (Computing) and Mr. Barrington Brevitt (Physics) in Cohort 10 of graduates who were awarded Certificates in University Teaching and Learning (CUTL) at a graduation ceremony held on November 5, 2021.
Dr. Smith joins her colleague Dr. Thera Edwards of Cohort 9 as a graduate of the CUTL, a flagship development programme for faculty of The University of the West Indies.

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