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The Faculty of Engineering at the University of the West Indies, Mona currently offers programmes of study leading to a:

The first year (level 1) of the Electronics Engineering, Electrical Power Engineering and Computer Engineering are identical and students may transfer from one programme to the other after completing the first year. 

Engineering at The University of the West Indies, Faculty of Engineering is pided into a 3-year or a 4-year programme. Students who satisfy the requirements for normal matriculation are accepted into the 3 year programme; otherwise they are offered entry into the 4-year programme (see Admission Requirements below). The first year of the 4-year programme is a qualifying stage (preliminary engineering) for entry into any of the BSc Engineering Programmes. Each BSc programme is pided into levels 1, 2, and 3 and is conducted over three academic years.

All engineering programmes have very strong emphasis on Theory, Design and Practice (hands-on). Internships in industries and professional certification courses (e.g. HEART NTA level 3 system administrations and industrial electronics, CISCO Network Administration, etc.) during the summer are integral to the students’ training. All engineering students are actively enrolled in the student chapters of the IEEE and the JIE (Jamaica Institution of Engineers). Workshops to help students develop and practice the soft skills (ethics, conduct, dress for success, interview skills, etc.) are delivered by experts from industry during each semester of the final year.

Admission Requirements

Admissions to any of the BSc Engineering programmes are as follows:

Matriculation into the traditional 3-year BSc engineering programmes (starts at Level 1) requires passes in at least five (5) CSECs (or equivalent) including English, Mathematics, and Physics, along with:

  1. Passes in units 1 and 2 of CAPE mathematics and physics; or
  2. Passes in GCE A ‘Level mathematics and physics; or
  3. Passes in MATH0100, MATH0110, PHYS0411, PHYS0412, PHYS0421 and PHYS0422 from the Preliminary year of the Faculty of Science and Technology of The UWI; or
  4. Diploma in a relevant engineering programme from an approved institution; or
  5. Diploma in a relevant engineering discipline in the City & Guilds examination, inclusive of a pass in the advanced mathematics and science courses (Unit 351); or
  6.  Associate degrees in mathematics and physics or relevant engineering programme from approved community colleges; or
  7. Passes in Higher International Baccalaureate (IB) in mathematics and physics; or
  8. Successful Completion of the Preliminary Engineering Year.

Matriculation into the four (4) year engineering programme with the first year being a qualifying Preliminary Engineering programme. Minimum requirements are:

  1. Passes in at least 5 CXC CSECs, or 5 BGCSE, or 5 Lower IBs all including mathematics, English A, physics (or electrical technology) and any other two subjects; or
  2. Certificate or Diploma in City & Guilds engineering examinations; or
  3. Equivalent high schools certificate from international institutions and SAT with demonstrated equivalence to item 2(a) above.
  4. Equivalent passes in ‘Gaokao’ (China’s National College Entrance Examination), or equivalent College entry exams for other countries.

***The above requirement may be subjected to annual revisions.

Tuition Fees

  • For Students from Contributing Countries of the Caribbean:

    The fees for all engineering programmes within the Faculty of Engineering is US$10,000.00 per academic year.

  • For Non-Contributing Countries of the Caribbean and International Students:

    The fees for all engineering programmes within the Faculty of Engineering is US$15,000.00 per academic year.

See UWI, Mona Tuition Fees for Undergraduate Programmes

Academic Quality Assurance

The academic quality of the programme is rigorously aligned to the requirements of ABET, with quality assurance systems that are well defined and linked to student outcomes and individual courses learning outcomes.
The UWI academic quality of the programme is monitored through the University’s Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) system, the UWI 5-yearly curriculum review cycle, staff/student liaison meetings and the UWI course/lecturer evaluation.
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