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Steps for a Voluntary Withdrawal Request

Steps for a Voluntary Withdrawal Request:

  1. Visit the UWI, Mona Website Homepage:
  2. Click “Current Students”
  3. Scroll down to click on “Student Administration System” listed under (Online Systems) (to the left of the page)
  4. Click on “Enter Secure Area”
  5. Enter your user ID number and password in the space provided
  6. Click on "Student"/"Student Services" (at the top of the page),
  7. Click on "Automated Student Request System" (the fourth link on the page),
  8. Click on "Select a Request Type" (a drop-down box),
  9. Click on "Voluntary Withdrawal" (in the list of items in the above-mentioned drop-down box),
  10. Click on "Semester" (a drop-down box) to select the academic year and semester for their requested Voluntary Withdrawal
  11. Click on "Reason Category" (a drop-down box) to select a reason
  12. Type a reason in the "Reason" box (beside the above-mentioned drop-down box),
  13. Click on "Submit" to submit the request
  14. Click on "View Request",
  15. Click on the hyperlinked/underlined request number itself to view and ensure that the request is reflecting the correct/exact information they entered in addition to regularly check for a response in the "Status Tracker" section ("Status Tracker" wording in red)
    Please note the following single-level approval process for your Voluntray Withdrawal request:
  16. Single-Level Approval: Faculty Approval
    • Office Responsible: Dean’s Office

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