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The Department of Surgery, Radiology, Anaesthesia and Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine (SURRADIC) is the largest clinical department in the FMS. Its largest section, Surgery, comprises the subspecialty divisions of General Surgery, Orthopaedics, Neurosurgery, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Urology, Paediatric Surgery, Otolaryngology, Ophthalmology and Plastic Surgery. Radiology is equipped with all the modern imaging modalities and complemented by a cadre of consultant staff with an important mix of diagnostic and interventional personnel. Our Anaesthetic Department is the largest in the country and is responsible for the day-to-day activities of two modern ICU units of a total of 20 beds. Our Emergency Medicine Team provides modern timely interventions to over 50,000 patients annually and is active in research, the teaching of medical students, emergency room technicians, and other allied health care workers involved in the emergency care of patients.
The Department of SURRADIC provides the highest expertise in all areas of teaching, research and clinical practice to Jamaica and the Region. Our emphasis is on the teaching and training of undergraduate and postgraduate medical professionals, in a patient-centred professional practice supported by a research thrust that is geared towards a greater understanding of indigenous health issues and their management. We encourage collaborative links with other health professionals and institutions as we expand local clinical competence and research capability. As a department we encourage the development of ideas with wider members of the UWI community and promote academic excellence, provide public service, support innovation in teaching and learning and foster mutually beneficial partnerships.
The Department of SURRADIC is a student-centred, research oriented multidisciplinary unit. We facilitate both undergraduate and postgraduate clinical training, quality research relevant to the needs of the region whilst providing clinical services aided by the use of cutting edge of technology providing all modern diagnostic and therapeutic procedures for its patient.
The pillars of our strategic focus are teaching & education, research, clinical services and outreach. In harmony with the other departments and campuses and using innovative technological aids, we are committed to train the next generation of medical doctors, consultants and clinical academics in the changing landscape of current surgical practice. SURRADIC will partner with the Government, NGOs and other international partners to produce valued sponsored research relevant to the nation and the region. UHWI and the other affiliated teaching sites will position itself as the center of excellence for local and international patients, providing high quality evidence-based decisions in a compassionate environment that will allow each team member to maximize their potential to the fullest. SURRADIC will engage the public and the wider UWI community in providing the world-class environment whilst allowing the community to benefit from our presence.
With over 120 faculty, including four full professors, distributed at the UHWI and 8 additional teaching sites, it is understandably why the Department is one of the largest in the FMS. The majority of our younger members of staff are fellowship trained and committed to providing excellence in teaching and learning, research and in the execution of their clinical duties.
Chairman, Prof Joseph M Plummer DM, FACS, FASCRS
Office Manager Mrs Coretta Moncrieffe
The Department provides a student-centred environment that is conducive to quality evidence-based teaching and learning with an emphasis on the use of new technologies to improve academic and administrative processes. At the undergraduate level we provide curriculum based learning objectives in all the various fields of surgery, radiology, anaesthesia, intensive care and emergency medicine so that our doctors graduating with the MBBS degree will be safe and competent in diagnosing and treating patients with ailments in these areas. All this is done whilst fostering a closer relationship with our students to ensure that the Department members remain role models and with a strong interest in the welfare of our students.
The Department of SURRADIC offers full-time degree courses leading to the awarding of a Doctor of Medicine [DM] degree. Degrees are offered in General Surgery, Otorhinolaryngology, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Orthopaedic Surgery, Urology, Neurosurgery, Paediatric Surgery, Ophthalmology and Plastic Surgery. Radiology and Emergency Medicine have similar degrees while in Anaesthesia, in addition to the DM in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, the in a 18-month Critical Care Fellowship for qualified DM garduates who want to become ICU Intensivist. Training periods range from five to seven years. All programmes aim at providing exit qualifications for graduates to practice independently and at Consultant level. Since its inception in 1972, there have been 200 graduates up to December 2017. Graduates are scattered throughout the Americas from Guyana to the United States of America.
Applicants should be graduates from an accredited Medical School or University.
Telephone: 876-9271270 & 876-9271620-9; ext 2324-6.
Fax: 876-9704302
Email: surradic@uwimona.edu.jm