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Masters of Science in Counselling

The M.Sc. Counselling Programme is a part-time three year programme that seeks to provide graduate training and education for Caribbean nationals who want to work as counsellors. Persons who do not have the qualifying courses will have to spend an additional year qualifying for entry. Qualifying courses will be offered by the Hugh Wynter Fertility Management Unit, Faculty of Medical Sciences, UWI, Mona.

Those applicants with a first degree will be exempt from the qualifying courses if they obtained at least a B grade in each of the following qualifying courses during their undergraduate degree: Introduction to Individual Counselling; Introduction to Group Counselling; Developmental Psychology and Abnormal Psychology.

The programme is for psychologists, educators, health personnel, social workers and ministers of religion who are currently working in or aspiring to work in counselling fields in the schools, and in the health and community settings.



  • Should have a first degree with at least lower second class honours in Counselling or in related fields in Health, Education, Social Work, Psychology or Pastoral Counselling/Theology from an approved institution
  • At least three years work experience
  • Applicants must possess an advanced level of ability to work in English
  • Entrance is competitive so only the most qualified persons will be accepted


Those wishing to be exempted from the qualifying courses should already have at least a B grade in the four qualifying courses, studied in a B.A or B.Sc. Counselling or Psychology programme at the undergraduate level. If accepted, these students will do a three year programme without the additional qualifying year.


Programme Delivery

  • The programme will use the following modes of delivery:
  • Audio-graphic teleconferencing via the University of the West Indies Distance Education Centres (UWIDEC).
  • Face to Face tutorials at each UWIDEC centre
  • Two Summer schools, each of which will be of four weeks’ duration in the first and second years of the three-year programme
  • Multi-media packages which will include print materials, video-cassettes, audio – cassettes and the use of the internet.

Additional information, Click here

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