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J Okwuzu

Market Survey of Loiasis: Prevalence and Adverse Reactions to Ivermectin Using a Rapid Procedure For Loiasis

Prevalence of loiasis was assessed in some village markets in Ondo State, South West Nigeria, using the rapid procedure for loiasis technique. Among 480 respondents, 80 (16.7%) had a history of loiasis, 11 (2.3%) had recent occurrence of the disease and 04 (0.83%) experienced adverse reactions to ivermectin treatment.



Objectives: 1. To assess the levels of endemicity of loiasis in a total of 30 selected villages covering an area of 5.2 sq km in Owo, Akure North, Akure South, Ondo East, Ondo West and Ifedore local governments in Ondo State, Nigeria, using Rapid Assessment for loiasis technique. 2. To obtain information on adverse reactions which occurred during previous administrations of the drug ivermectin used for the treatment of loiasis and onchocerciasis in the study area.

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e-Published: 18 Jul, 2013
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