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Early Changes in Carcinogenesis of Colorectal Adenomas

Ki-67 expression both in the crypt-surface epithelium and cyclin D1, c-erb B2, bcl-2 over-expression may be a clue of dysplastic epithelium. If the role of human papillomavirus is elucidated in colonic carcinogenesis, vaccination might prevent carcinogenesis from the virus.



Objectives: Adenocarcinoma of the colon and rectum is the third most common cause of cancer deaths and the sixth most common cancer in the world. Adenomas are benign neoplastic lesions which can be transformed into carcinomas, but this is usually not the case. There should be some risk factors which lead to the development of carcinomas into adenomas. The aim of this study is to find out the early changes and high risk factors related to carcinogenesis in colonic polyps.

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e-Published: 19 Aug, 2013
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