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Nutritional Status of Schoolchildren in the Amazon Rainforest Interior of Multi-ethnic Suriname: the Influence of Age, Sex and Ethnicity

2015 data on height, weight and demographics of 3863 schoolchildren in Suriname’s interior indicated 5.4% were malnourished and 9.2 % were stunted. Younger and Maroon children were more often malnourished, whereas older children, boys and Amerindians were more often stunted.


Objective: Adequate nutrition is critical for normal development during childhood. The nutritional status of schoolchildren living in the interior Suriname, South America, is of growing concern to the Medical Mission Primary Healthcare Suriname (MM) that provides healthcare in this region. This study aims to evaluate the nutritional status of these schoolchildren.                                           

24 Jul, 2018
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e-Published: 14 Feb, 2019


Manuscripts that are Published Ahead of Print have been peer reviewed and accepted for publication by the Editorial Board of the West Indian Medical Journal. They may appear in their original format and may not be copy edited or formatted in the style guide of this Journal. While accepted manuscripts are not yet assigned a volume, issue or page numbers, they can be cited using the DOI and date of e-publication. See our Instructions for Authors on how to properly cite manuscripts at this stage. The contents of the manuscript may change before it is published in its final form. Manuscripts in this section will be removed once they have been issued to a volume and issue, but will still retain the DOI and date of e-publication.

Immature/Total Granulocyte Ratio as a Guide for Antibiotic Treatment in Suspected Early Onset Sepsis in Surinamese Newborns

Low immature/total granulocyte ratio predicts short duration of antibiotic treatment in suspected early onset sepsis in Surinamese newborns. This may prevent the start of unnecessary antibiotic treatment, or abbreviate its duration, which helps to reduce the antibiotic burden in developing countries.


Objective: Measurement of immature granulocytes may be helpful in the management of early onset sepsis (EOS) in newborns in developing countries. We evaluate early negative prediction of automated measurement of a one-point measurement of immature-to-total-granulocyte (I/T) ratio in newborns with suspected EOS to help decisions on duration of antibiotic treatment.

20 Dec, 2017
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e-Published: 22 Dec, 2017


Manuscripts that are Published Ahead of Print have been peer reviewed and accepted for publication by the Editorial Board of the West Indian Medical Journal. They may appear in their original format and may not be copy edited or formatted in the style guide of this Journal. While accepted manuscripts are not yet assigned a volume, issue or page numbers, they can be cited using the DOI and date of e-publication. See our Instructions for Authors on how to properly cite manuscripts at this stage. The contents of the manuscript may change before it is published in its final form. Manuscripts in this section will be removed once they have been issued to a volume and issue, but will still retain the DOI and date of e-publication.

Ethnic Differences in Breastfeeding Initiation and Duration among Mothers Attending Primary Healthcare Clinics in Paramaribo, Suriname

This cross sectional study among mothers attending health clinics in Paramaribo, Suriname, demonstrated considerable differences in breastfeeding initiation and duration by maternal ethnicity. Other maternal and child factors did not account for observed differences.


Objective: To determine the association between maternal ethnicity and breastfeeding initiation (child ever fed breastmilk) and duration (child breastfed for at least 6 months) in Suriname.

11 Jan, 2017
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e-Published: 26 Jan, 2017


Manuscripts that are Published Ahead of Print have been peer reviewed and accepted for publication by the Editorial Board of the West Indian Medical Journal. They may appear in their original format and may not be copy edited or formatted in the style guide of this Journal. While accepted manuscripts are not yet assigned a volume, issue or page numbers, they can be cited using the DOI and date of e-publication. See our Instructions for Authors on how to properly cite manuscripts at this stage. The contents of the manuscript may change before it is published in its final form. Manuscripts in this section will be removed once they have been issued to a volume and issue, but will still retain the DOI and date of e-publication.

Spatial Distribution of Epidemiological Cases of Dengue Fever in Suriname, 2001–2012

Retrospective epidemiological data were used to characterize the frequency, incidence and severity of dengue fever and to identify clusters of disease in Suriname. The results illustrate the need to identify risk factors that influence the transmission of dengue in Suriname.


Objective: To characterize the frequency, incidence and severity of dengue fever in Suriname and to detect historic clusters of disease by integrating epidemiological data into a spatial visualization platform.

06 Jun, 2014
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e-Published: 01 May, 2015

Incidence, and Gender, Age and Ethnic Distribution of Sarcomas in the Republic of Suriname from 1980 to 2008

The incidence of soft-tissue and bone sarcomas in Suriname, as well as their gender, age, and ethnic distribution, probably do not differ substantially from international patterns. However, overall sarcomas and leiomyosarcoma may have a predilection for Afro-Surinamese rather than Asian-Surinamese.
Objective: We report on the incidence and the gender, age and ethnic distribution of sarcomas diagnosed between 1980 and 2008 in the multi-ethnic Republic of Suriname.
22 Apr, 2013
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e-Published: 11 Apr, 2014
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