The three main laboratory sections of ICENS collaborate in multidisciplinary work on the following topics, taking part in the successive stages of field sampling, sample preparation, laboratory analysis, data handling and interpretation and dissemination of information online or as hardcopy publications.
“ICENS: The First Twenty Years: 1984 to 2004” gives a full account of the first period of our operations and our capabilities and is available for download as a 18.3 Mb file from:
This first Geochemical Atlas of Jamaica reports on the initial stages of the examination of the geochemistry of 165 samples of Jamaican soils collected over the onshore area of 10 991 km2.
The Atlas details:
In 2008 the Government of Jamaica and Royal Caribbean International (RCI) met in Kingston to agree terms of a US$224 million contract to develop the Falmouth Pier so that it could accommodate the world's largest cruise ship.
The accumulation of trace metals in the surface of cultivated soils is an important issue that must be considered with respect to the potential risks associated with human and ecosystem health.