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Mr Stanford Moore


Mona School of Business and Management (MSBM) mourns the passing of Mr Stanford Moore, former lecturer and Academic Director, Undergraduate Programmes, MSBM and former Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences.

Stan, as he was affectionately called, was a true servant leader.  He served the UWI in several roles but it was interacting with students that was so special to him. Beyond the classroom and his lectures, Stan was known for his kindness, compassion and unwavering support for students. He always made time for those who needed guidance, offering encouragement and a listening ear.

It is hard to find suitable words to capture the invaluable contribution of Stan to the DOMS/MSBM/UWI community, but his death reminds us of the words of Samuel Johnson; “It matters not how a man dies, but how he lives.” 

The positive impact of Stan Moore's contribution at DOMS/MSBM is undeniable, as acknowledged by his former colleagues and students. He was a guide, a mentor and an inspiration. Many students have testified that they would not have been able to navigate what seemed like a maze, to successfully complete their degrees, were it not for “Mr Moore”.  Year after year, he patiently helped students to chart their way to success, helping them to navigate not only the rules and regulations, but also their fears and trepidation.

“A quiet force and a “gentle giant” whose presence will be sorely missed. He was a humble and unassuming man who made his mark.  He made a significant contribution to the School’s development in his quiet, charming, but forthright manner.  He left us to be Deputy Dean for many years, but we were glad to have him back with us.  When I would ask Stan about an issue to be resolved or something to be done, his comment was always “Leave it with me”.  His job description was “Whatever is needed to get things done”. His legacy will forever live in the hearts and minds of the many who he inspired. “stated Dr David McBean, Executive Director, MSBM .

To his colleagues, Stan was the ideal “bredrin” and friend, always ready to help, with that characteristic twinkle in his eye.  He was loyal, dependable, helpful, and kind.  The stories are many of how Stan cared for and shared with his colleagues, unreservedly sharing his wealth of knowledge.

This was feelingly expressed by Dr. Anne Crick, former head of the Department of Management Studies, in her reflection, who said “It is so hard to think of writing in the past tense about Stan Moore who was a colleague, a friend, a guide and a teacher.   I used to joke with him that we needed to download his brain because he was such a repository of knowledge – you could literally ask Stan about anything related to UWI procedures and rules and he either knew it, or he would research it and get back to you with the correct information.   That was why he was a magnet to students, colleagues and leadership alike.  “Ask Stan” must have been the most utilized phrase among all of us in the department.   What a burden that must have been, but he never ever showed any frustration or weariness at the barrage of questions.”

In reflecting on his passing, Professor, the Hon Gordon Shirley, former head of the Department of Management Studies and former Principal UWI Mona, had this to say: “Stanford Moore was an outstanding human being who gave tirelessly of himself to the Department, the School, the Faculty, and the University. Throughout his career, he committed his energies to keeping these institutions whole, helping them to evolve and grow.  He took on administrative tasks that few in the organization wanted to do, but which were critically important to the experience of our students in our programmes. His goal was to ensure that every applicant and every student  get a fair chance... he didn't want any student to fall through the cracks...I felt he put this ahead of his own needs sometimes. He was a very genuine human being, a special man! His passing represents a huge loss to the institution. We have collectively lost a special friend.”

Stan, our friend and colleague, will be deeply missed by the entire MSBM and the wider UWI Mona community.

We extend our sincere condolences to his family and friends and assure them of our thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.