Mona School of Business and Management (MSBM) in partnership with The Human Resource Management Association of Jamaica (HRMAJ) will host a Talent Management Seminar on Thursday, April 20, 2023 titled, The Talent Magnet: Attracting and Retaining High Potentials and High Performers.
The seminar will be led by Professor Hugh Scullion , a Professor in Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management at the University of Hull, UK. He is a global leader in International HRM and Global Talent Management, who has published nine leading books and over 200 publications, many in elite journals, such as the Academy of Management, the Journal of World Business and Human Resource Management Journal. Professor Scullion is the co-founder and chair of the European Institute of Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM) Talent Management Workshop, the leading research forum in the field. Additionally, he has consulted widely with organisations in Europe and Asia (e.g. Rolls Royce, Boots, Telecom Malaysia ) and has wide experience internationally in executive education.
The term talent management was coined in the late 1990s as part of a McKinsey report on “the war for talent”. Over the last quarter century, it has gradually emerged to encompass all those issues relating to attracting, developing, retaining and optimising on the performance of employees. As a practice it has been embraced by leading edge organisations all over the world, including the Caribbean.
The seminar which will be held at MSBM on the campus of the UWI Mona, will cover a range of topics, including identifying and developing talent, creating a culture of excellence, fostering innovation and building a high-performing team. Attendees will have the opportunity to gain valuable insights and strategies from our presenter Professor Scullion and also have the chance to network with other professionals and learn from experienced trainers in the field.
Interested participants may register at