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General Area of Academic Specialization
Cybercrime, Cybersecurity, Ontology, Enterprise Systems, Knowledge Management, Technology Acceptance and Use, Information and Communication Technologies for Development, Data Mining
Academic Unit
Decision Sciences & Information Systems
Professional Profile
Mona School of Business and Management (South)
(876) 977-3808

Charlette Donalds is a full-time faculty member of the Mona School of Business and Management (MSBM), The University of the West Indies (The UWI), Mona. She holds a Ph.D. in Management Information Systems from The UWI. She has served in several capacities at MSBM to include Academic Director of the Master of Science in Computer Based Management Information Systems and Unit Head for the Decision Sciences and Information Systems Unit. She has co-authored two books, the first being a book of MIS cases for solving managerial problems with spreadsheets and databases. The second book is about Cybercrime and Cybersecurity in the Global South, with focus on cybersecurity practices and challenges experienced by MSMEs in the Global South, the analyses of some legislative frameworks of Global South economies, discussion of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) regime and the potential implications on other countries’ data protection landscape, among other areas.

Charlette has worked as an IT professional for many years before joining The UWI; thus, she has a wealth of knowledge and skill in the discipline. Of note, she has knowledge and experience in implementing, customizing and maintaining a renowned Enterprise Wide System.

Her research areas and interests include: Cybercrime, Cybersecurity, Ontology, Enterprise Systems, Knowledge Management, Technology Acceptance and Use, Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICT4D) and Data Mining. She has published in journals including: European Journal of Information Systems, International Journal of Information Management, Computers in Human Behavior, and Information Technology for Development. She is a member of the Association of Information Systems ICT4D special interest group and the Internet Society, Cybersecurity special interest group. She serves as a reviewer for the European Journal of Information Systems, Information Technology for Development, The African Journal of Information Systems and several International Information Systems Conferences.

Some Research Highlights:

  • Donalds, Charlette and C. Barclay (2021). “Beyond technical measures: a value-focused thinking appraisal of strategic drivers in improving information security policy compliance.” European Journal of Information Systems,
  • Donalds, C. and K.-M. Osei-Bryson (2020). “Cybersecurity compliance behavior: Exploring the influences of individual decision style and other antecedents”. International Journal of Information Management 51,
  • Donalds, C. and K.-M. Osei-Bryson (2019). “Toward a cybercrime classification ontology: A knowledge-based approach”.  Computers in Human Behavior 92 pp. 403-418,
  • Barclay, C., C. Donalds and K.-M. Osei-Bryson (2018). “Investigating critical success factors in online learning environments in higher education systems in the Caribbean”.  Information Technology for Development 24 (3), pp. 582-611.
  • Donalds, Charlette and K.-M. Osei-Bryson (2019).  “Exploring the Impacts of Intrinsic Variables on Security Compliance Efficiency using DEA & MARS”. Proceedings of the IFIP WG 9.4 15th International Conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
  • Donalds, Charlette and K.-M. Osei-Bryson (2018).  “An Ontological Approach to Classifying Cybercrimes in an ICT4D Context”. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST), Chennai, India.
  • Donalds, Charlette and K.-M. Osei-Bryson (2017).  “Exploring the Impacts of Individual Styles on Security Compliance Behavior: A Preliminary Analysis”. Proceedings of the SIG GlobDev 2017 Pre-ECIS Workshop, Seoul, Republic of Korea.
  • Donalds, Charlette (2015).  “Cybersecurity Policy Compliance: An Empirical Study of Jamaican Government Agencies”.  Proceedings of the SIG GlobDev 2015 Pre-ECIS Workshop, Munster, Germany.

Co-authored Books

  • Donalds, Charlette, C. Barclay and K-M. Osei-Bryson (2022). “Cybercrime and Cybersecurity in the Global South: Concepts, Strategies and Frameworks for Greater Resilience”. Routledge. ISBN 9780367464318. 
  • Donalds, Charlette & J. Henry (2011). “Solving Managerial Problems with Spreadsheets and Databases”, Vol. 1.

Undergraduate Courses 

  • MGMT2004: Computer Applications
  • MGMT3012: Systems Analysis and Design
  • 2021, Received Best Research Publication Award (Faculty of Social Sciences) for the 2019/2020 academic year, The UWI, Mona.
  • 2019, Donalds, C. and K.-M. Osei-Bryson. “Toward a cybercrime classification ontology: A knowledge-based approach”.  Computers in Human Behavior 92 pp. 403-418,
  • 2017, Received a UWI Mona New Initiative Grant (Multi-Faculty Award) for: “An Evaluation of Mental Health and Wellness Interventions in Five Communities through Faith-based Organisations (FBOs) in Jamaica”.
  • 2012, Received a UWI Mona New Initiative Grant for: “Towards the Construction of a Criminal Investigation Knowledge System for the Jamaica Constabulary Force: An Ontology and a Meta-Directory”.