Indianna Minto-Coy is Deputy Executive Director, MBA and MSc Programmes, Mona School of Business and Management, The University of the West Indies, Mona. She is the Caribbean Countries Director for the Academy of International Business – Latin America and the Caribbean (AIB-LAC) for 2021-2024. She is also a Research Affiliate at Wilfrid Laurier University’s International Migration Research Centre.
Indianna’s research, consultancies, publications and public engagements span the themes of Entrepreneurship, Diasporas and International Business. There is also an emerging stream of work in the areas of Sustainability, Business Continuity and Disaster Risk Reduction.
Some Research Highlights:
Books & Journal Special Issues
- I.D. Minto-Coy, D.J. Storey, & J. Lashley, Guest Editors (2018). “Special Issue: Enterprise and Entrepreneurship in the Caribbean Region” in Entrepreneurship & Regional Development: An International Journal, Volume 30, 2018 - Issue 9-10.
- Maria Elo & Indianna Minto-Coy, eds. (2018). Diaspora Networks in International Business: Perspectives for Understanding and Managing Diaspora Resources and Business. Germany: Springer (BOOK - over 49 contributors from 30 countries).
- Indianna Minto-Coy, Noel Cowell & Michelle McLeod (2016). “Breaking the Barriers: Entrepreneurship, Enterprise, Competitiveness and Growth in the Caribbean”, (Special Issue) Social and Economic Studies, 65(2): 1-13, ISSN: 0037-7651.
- Indianna D. Minto-Coy & Evan Berman (2016, early release in June 2015). Public Administration and Policy in the Caribbean, NY: CRC Press/Taylor & Francis.
- Indianna D. Minto-Coy (2017). “Foreword”, Diaspora and Transnational Entrepreneurship in the Global Contexts, Sanya Ojo (ed.), Hershey: IGI Global, pp. xv-xvi.
Refereed Journal Articles
- Indianna D. Minto-Coy (2019). “From the Periphery to the Centre: Start-up and Growth Strategies for Minority Diaspora Entrepreneurs”, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business.
- M. Elo, I.D. Minto-Coy, S. Silva & X. Zhang (2019). “Diaspora Networks in International Marketing-How Do Ethnic Products Diffuse to Foreign Markets?” European J. of International Management, DOI: 10.1504/EJIM.2019.10017015.
- Ye Liu, Rebecca Namatovu, Emine Esra Karadeniz, Thomas Schøtt & Indianna D. Minto-Coy (2019). “Entrepreneurs’ transnational networks channelling exports: diasporas from Central & South America, Sub- Sahara Africa, Middle East & North Africa, Asia, and the European culture region”, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2018.1560002.
- I.D.Minto-Coy, J. Lashley & D. E. Storey (2018). “Enterprise and Entrepreneurship in the Caribbean Region: Introduction to the Special Issue”, Special Issue in Entrepreneurship & Regional Development: An International Journal, Volume 30, 2018 - Issue 9-10: 921-941.
- David Parker, Alicia Loh, Delroy Chevers, Indianna Minto-Coy & Luca Zappatella (2017). “Operations Sustainability Maturity Model: A Proposed Framework and Preliminary Findings”, Measuring Business Excellence, 21(4): 309-336.
Undergraduate Courses
- MGMT2224: Introduction to Entrepreneurship
- MGMT3231: International Entrepreneurship
Graduate Courses
- NSSS6011: Research Paper
- MGMT6010: Research Project
- 2020, Most Outstanding Researcher, Faculty of Social Sciences, Principal’s Research Days Awards, UWI.
- 2019, Most Outstanding Researcher, Faculty of Social Sciences, Principal’s Research Days Awards, UWI.
- 2019, MSBM STAR Awards (for Research Activities).
- 2018, Awarded Best Research Publication, Faculty of Social Sciences, Principal’s Research Days Awards Ceremony, UWI.
FIU/UNISDR Best White Paper on Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction into Business & Management Education (chosen from a group comprising eighteen business schools globally), Prize for the implementation of DRM in MSBM – US$10,000, 2016
- 2002-2006, Grant from the University Office of Research, UWI Research Assistantship, LSE.