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Faculty Display 2019

Date: Thursday February 7
Date Time Type Details Venue
Thursday February 7 1:00PM GEO TECH EVENT


Overview: The event presents a fun and educational opportunity for students to create maps and simulate reducing disaster risks and addressing public health crises. The activities will introduce and provide hands on experience for students in GIS Technology, Cartography and Geography and will expose them to career options in the Geosciences

Organizers: The Department of Geography and Geology (DOGG) and The National Spatial Data Management Division, Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation

The Computer Lab Department of Geography and Geology


Overview: Campus visitors will have the opportunity to explore or research facilities and museums, by participating in the following tours:

  • Tour of Geology Museum
  • Tour of Map Library
  • Tour of Herbarium
  • Tour of Medicinal Plants (Botany Gardens)
  • Tour of Zoology Museum
  • Tour of the Natural Products Institute’s Mosquito Research facilities, Biochemistry Lab and Cell Culture Screening Laboratory.

Audience: UWI Students, High School Students, General Public

Venue Description: URD Students and Tours Centre, adjacent The Assembly Hall

URD Tours Centre
Thursday February 7 1:00PM - 4:00PM FORUM

Legal and Ethical Issues in Information Security: Integrity in the Information Environment

Overview: This research forum will showcase completed research and research in progress from lecturers, graduate students in DLIS and other departments as well as from practitioners in libraries archives and museums via poster presentations. The audience will comprise members of The University community, library and information professionals who work in various libraries as well as students from the Department of Library and Information Studies and from other departments. The objective of the forum is to focus on research towards professional integrity; highlighting the legal and ethical issues surrounding integrity of information management.

Presenters: TBC

Venue Description:  The Multifunctional Room, The UWI, Mona Main Library

The Main Library
Thursday February 7 1:00PM - 2:00PM WORKSHOP

Chicago Referencing Workshop

Overview: Guide to proper referencing of sources using the Chicago Manual of Style (CMoS).

Facilitator: Mrs. Jacqueline Howell Nash, Librarian, Postgraduate Learning Commons (PGLC), Main Library

Venue Description: Library Booth, Mona Research Village

Mona Research Village

CSI Fire Game

Overview: Fire! Delve into the world of Crime Scene Investigations (CSI). Participants will learn basic information about burn patterns and accelerants. Using a series of physical clues and deduction, determine the cause of a fire and solve the case.

Target Audience: High school students

Capacity: 15 students per group

Material Science Fire laboratory
Thursday February 7 02:00PM - 3:00PM PUBLIC LECTURE

The Elements that Changed the Caribbean

Overview: In celebration of the International Year of the Periodic Table (2019) proclaimed by UNESCO, the Department of Chemistry will host a Public Lecture highlighting various elements of the Periodic Table and how they have shaped the growth and development of our Region. The event will also launch a year long activity, "Element of the Month" featuring 10 elements of the Periodic Table showcasing their applications and impact.

Presenter: TBD 

Science Lecture Theatre 1
Thursday February 7 2:00pm - 3:00PM VIDEO SESSION

Video Presentation on Predatory Journals

Facilitator: Mrs. Sandra Powell-Mangaroo, Assistant Registrar, Graduate Studies & Research

Venue Description: OGSR Graduate Lounge, Mona Research Village

Mona Research Village
Thursday February 7 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM DEMONSTATION


Overview: This demo will take you through the entire process of measuring samples using gamma and XRF spectroscopy.

Medical Physics Radioecological lab
Thursday February 7 2:00PM - 4:00PM PANEL DISCUSSION

Revisiting Jamaica's Crime Plan

Presenting Organizations: The SALISES Crime Prevention & Offender Management (CPOM) Research Cluster in collaboration with The Institute of Criminal Justice & Security (ICJS) and The Crime Security & Justice (CSJ) UWI Research Cluster

Panellists: The Honourable Peter Bunting, Opposition Spokesperson for National Security and Member of Parliament for Central Manchester; The Honourable Dr Horace Chang, Minister of National Security; Mr. Terrence Williams, Commissioner, Independent Commission of Investigations (INDECOM); Mr. Horace Levy, Former Executive Director of Jamaicans for Justice; Rear Admiral/Former Commissioner Hardley Lewin; Professor Anthony Harriott, Director, ICJS, UWI; Professor Anthony Clayton, Head, Institute of Sustainable Development; Dr Herbert Gayle, Anthropologist, Department of Sociology, Psychology and Social Work, UWI, Mona; Mr. Keith Gardener, Former Assistant Commissioner of Police, Attorney-at-law, Director of Security, UWI; Dr Dacia Leslie, Research Fellow, SALISES, Mona

The Undercroft, Senate Building
Thursday February 7 2:00PM - 3:30PM SEMINAR

Predatory Journals & Conferences Seminar

Overview: A presentation on identifying predatory journals and questionable conferences

Presenter: Mrs. Frances Salmon, Retired Senior Librarian, West Indies & Special Collections, Main Library

Venue Description: Library Booth, Mona Research Village

Mona Research Village


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