Date | Time | Type | Details | Venue |
Thursday February 7 | 2:00pm - 3:00PM | VIDEO SESSION |
Video Presentation on Predatory JournalsFacilitator: Mrs. Sandra Powell-Mangaroo, Assistant Registrar, Graduate Studies & Research Venue Description: OGSR Graduate Lounge, Mona Research Village |
Mona Research Village |
Thursday February 7 | 10:00AM - 3:00PM | COURTYARD EXHIBIT |
LANGUAGE, LINGUISTICS AND PHILOSOPHY DEPARTMENT COURTYARD EXHIBITOverview: The space will be used to display posters and a magazine type of column that will illustrate current research being undertaken by persons within the department that will be laminated. There will also be current students who will be interacting with the visitors. |
Faculty of Humanities and Education Courtyard |
Thursday February 7 | 3:00PM - 4:00PM | INFORMATION SESSIONS |
Graduate Programme Information SessionOverview: Information Session on the procedures to enroll in a Masters or Doctoral programme Facilitator: Mrs. Sandra Powell-Mangaroo, Assistant Registrar, Graduate Studies & Research Venue Description: OGSR Graduate Lounge, Mona Research Village |
Mona Research Village |
Thursday February 7 | 3:30PM - 4:30PM | TOURS |
Guided Tour of the Science & Engineering Branch LibraryOverview: Tour highlights key spaces, services and resources of the Science & Engineering Branch Library Facilitator: Mr. Ricardo Jackson, Library Clerk, Science & Engineering Branch Library |
Science and Engineering Branch Library |
Thursday February 7 | 4:00PM - 5:00PM | BOOK LAUNCH |
SDG 4 Quality Education: Inclusivity, Equity and Lifelong Learning For AllOverview: The book explores the multifaceted and complex nature of the concepts of inclusivity and quality education. Drawing examples from two different country contexts (Latvia and Jamaica), the book explores how and why inclusive and quality education is critical to sustainable development. It considers the indicators of inclusive and quality education, how the concept of education for sustainable development is evolving, and the ways in which these indicators are being pursued. The book pays specific attention to the roles of teachers, teacher educators, and the curriculum in the attainment of inclusive and quality education and 21st century skills for a sustainable society. Authors: Therese Ferguson, Dzintra Iliško, Carmel Roofe and Susan Hill Guest Speaker: Ms. Latoya Swaby-Anderson National Programme Officer, Education, UNESCO Cluster Office for the Caribbean
Neville Hall Lecture Theatre |
Thursday February 7 | 10:00AM - 3:00PM | COURTYARD EXHIBIT |
SCHOOL OF EDUCATION DEPARTMENT COURTYARD EXHIBITOverview: The SOE will mount two main displays The first will profile the School of Education undergraduate and graduate programmes and feature a display publications (books and journals) produced and written by SOE and SOE Faculty with a reading/activity corner with coffee. Special emphasis on targeted early childhood institutions for one hour on Thursday/Friday for storytelling/painting/music interaction. The second display will highlight the Mixed Methods International Research Association Caribbean Chapter (MMIRA-CC) which is affiliated with the SOE. The display will share information on the Association in order to strengthen its visibility, encourage membership and offer invitations for mixed methods research paper publications. |
Faculty of Humanities and Education Courtyard |
Thursday February 7 | 5:00PM - 7:00PM | PANEL DISCUSSION |
Transitioning out of Enhanced Security Measures: Sustaining Security GainsINSTITUTE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND SECURITY Overview: Persons attending this panel discussion will hear from experts (researchers and practitioners) about key strategies for sustaining violence reduction in Jamaica (and which may be applicable elsewhere in the Caribbean). Attendees will hear about current innovations, evidence-based practices in violence reduction and crime control policy. Panellists Professor Anthony Harriott, Director, Institute of Criminal Justice and security, UWI; Mr. Damian Hutchinson, Executive Director, Peace Management Initiative; Mr. Mark Shields, Former Deputy Commissioner of Police – Jamaica Constabulary Force. |
Council Room, UWI Regional Headquarters |
Thursday February 7 | 5:15PM-6:15PM | FORUM |
Education for Sustainable Development: For Whom and For What?Overview: The Education for Sustainable Development Working Group (ESD-WG) of the School of Education will be hosting a Forum on theoretical and empirical research undertaken by its members on different aspects of ESD and sustainable development such as: reorienting teacher education to address sustainability; education for democratic citizenship; and proposition MRM as a construction of sustainable development. Moderator: Dr. Aldrin Sweeney, Senior Lecturer, School of Education, UWI; Presenters: Dr. Carol Gentles, Lecturer, School of Education; Mrs. Vileitha Davis-Morrison, Lecturer, School of Education; Dr. Canute Thompson, Lecturer, School of Education |
Lecture Theatre N1, Faculty of Humanities and Education |
Thursday February 7 | 5:30PM - 7:30PM | PANEL DISCUSSION |
Strengthening Governance in Public Sector Companies: Beyond Petrojam"Overview: Scandals in public sector companies test faith in public governance and can reverberate in the economy. MonaLaw experts and researchers in economic law, financial crimes and corporate governance, and others, will discuss the way forward to strengthen good governance and acccountability in public sector companies. Panellists: Suzanne Ffolkes Goldson, Senior Lecturer, MonaLaw; Dr Christopher Malcolm, Senior Lecturer, MonaLaw; Dr David McBean, Executive Director, Mona School of Business and Management Moderator: Dr Shazeeda Ali, Senior Lectrer, Dean (Actg.), MonaLaw |
Law Lecture Theatre 2, Faculty of Law |
Thursday February 7 | 6:00PM - 7:30PM | BOOK LAUNCH |
Developing Sustainable Balance of Payment in Small Countries: Lessons from Macroeconomic Deadlock in JamaicaOverview: The book analyses Jamaica’s ability to satisfy its short and long run foreign currency obligations in light of recurrent balance of payment support from international lending agencies. The book further delves into Jamaica’s continued indebtedness, continued successive arrangements with the International Monetary Fund, its depreciating currency continues to drive up debt servicing requirements, and provides policy recommendations to bolster the Jamaican economy into solvency and suggests strategies for supporting local economic objectives within global geopolitical constraints Author: Kelli-ann Dixon Hamilton |
Regional Headquarters UWI, Mona |