OUR GOALS, STRATEGIES AND TARGETS are informed by the UWI’s Triple A Strategy of Access, Alignment, and Agility. As a result, we: produce quality and inclusive educators, trainers and leaders to contribute to the social and economic well-being of the Caribbean people; provide educational research and consultancy to inform teaching and learning, educational policy and practice, and quality assurance; and promote, educational advancement through professional advancement, through professional development and community outreach.
The SOE is the model for best practice in the preparation of educators, workplace trainers, researchers and leaders for education transformation in the Caribbean. We are the partner of choice for the design and delivery of innovative programmes aligned to future education which empowers the learner to achieve excellence.
The School of Education, University of the West Indies, Mona delivers academic programmes and professional services in Jamaica and the wider Caribbean region.
The School provides national and regional teacher education development and quality assurance services to Teachers' Colleges and Ministries of Education via the Joint Board of Teacher Education (JBTE).
The School of Education has a threefold mission:
- Preparing educators for national and regional education systems
- Conducting research on educational issues and concerns and providing data to inform the educational \u2028 decision-making process
- Providing leadership in institutional development and programme quality to education systems.
A wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in education are offered by the School of Education via various delivery modes. The School’s activities also include programmes that address critical areas of need such as understanding children’s temperament and the implications for learning and behaviour modification and the assessment and treatment of exceptionalities.
The School’s accomplishments include:
- Excellence in teaching, locally and regionally
- Production of robust educational research on the improvement of teaching and learning at all levels of the education system
- Significant professional outreach through Ministry of Education (MOE) curricula initiatives
- Several successful multifaceted consultancies across the region;
- Yeoman public service- serving in committees, school boards, service organizations, policy making arms of government and editorial and review boards.
The School of Education continues to distinguish itself as the institution of choice for teachers and education specialists who are seeking to upgrade their skills. The SOE has recently developed a number of innovative programmes in the areas of sustainable development; educational planning and policy; higher educational management; technical vocational education and training and workforce development; and early childhood education.