Dr. Therese Ferguson is a Senior Lecturer in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in the School of Education (SOE) at The University of the West Indies (UWI) Mona Campus in Jamaica. She is the Coordinator of the ESD Working Group within the SOE, and serves as Programme Coordinator for the Master of Education Degree programme in Education for Sustainable Development, Global Citizenship and Peace. She is also the Programme Leader for Change from Within, a school-based initiative in Jamaica, implemented by the SOE, which addresses violence and indiscipline. Dr. Ferguson has served as an External Examiner for the Environmental Science Division in the Faculty of Science and Sport at the University of Technology, Jamaica. She currently serves on the International Advisory Board for the journal Environmental Education Research and on the Editorial Board for the journal Discourse and Communication for Sustainable Education. She is also one of the two focal points at The UWI, Mona Campus for the International Network of Teacher Education Institutions (INTEI) associated with the UNESCO Chair in Reorienting Education towards Sustainability at York University, Toronto, Canada. Dr. Ferguson has a co-authored book, book chapters, journal articles, book reviews and encyclopaedia entries to her credit.
Gajparia, J., Strachan, G., Vare, P, & Ferguson, T. (2021). Identifying assessment opportunities in postgraduate learning for sustainability. Discourse and Communication for Sustainable Education, 12(1), 151-175.
Ferguson, T., Roofe, C., & Cook, L. D. (2021). Teachers’ perspectives on sustainable development: The implications for education for sustainable development. Environmental Education Research, 27(9), 1343-1359.
Ferguson, T., Gordon, T., Steele, S., & Samuels, D. (2020). Changing school cultures from within. Social and Economic Studies, 69(1&2), 165-188.
Bramwell-Lalor, S., Kelly, K., Ferguson, T., Hordatt Gentles, C., & Roofe, C. (2020). Project-based learning for environmental action. Southern African Journal of Environmental Education, 36(2), 57-71.
Ferguson, T., & Roofe, C. (2020). SDG4 in higher education: Challenges and opportunities. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 21(5), 959-975.
Ferguson, T. (2020). Environmental and sustainability education in the Caribbean: Crucial issues, critical imperatives. Environmental Education Research, 26(6), 763-771.
Ferguson, T. (2019). Reflection, dialogue, and transformation through participatory action research: Experiences of Jamaica’s Change from Within programme. In S. Stewart (Ed.) Decolonizing qualitative approaches for and by the Caribbean (pp. 139-158). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Ferguson, T. (2019). Addressing anti-social behaviour and violence as barriers to learning: Lessons from Jamaica’s Change from Within programme. In S. Blackman, D. Conrad, & L. Brown (Eds.). Achieving inclusive education in the Caribbean and beyond: From philosophy to praxis (pp. 133-144). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
Ferguson, T. & Gordon, T. (2019). ‘Miss, this is a lot of work’: Exploring part-time students’ experiences of qualitative research. The Qualitative Report, 24(11), 2708-2721.
Ferguson, T., Ilisko, D., Roofe, C., & Hill, S. (2019). SDG4 – quality education: Inclusivity, equity and lifelong learning for all. Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited.