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M.Ed. Curriculum and Instruction

Programme Summary

This option builds on basic curriculum theory already covered at the undergraduate level and strengthens students’ understanding of the foundational principles in philosophy, psychology and sociology that undergird curriculum development. It examines ways in which the curriculum field has been reconceptualised and provides an in-depth study of curriculum change and implementation. A comparative study of various attempts at curriculum reforms both in the Caribbean and further afield demonstrates how curriculum decision making and policy can be informed by research. Evaluation theory and various approaches used in doing evaluations provide a sound preparation for graduates of this option to evaluate programmes. Students who do this option are encouraged to do graduate courses in their areas of specialisation in order to hone their skills and competencies as curriculum developers. The option targets those who foresee a career in curriculum development in Curriculum Units in the Ministries of Education, as lecturers in curriculum development at the tertiary level as well as practitioners in the private sector with jobs that require curriculum development skills.


This programme targets professionals involved in curriculum development at the international, regional, national, institutional, and classroom levels. It is designed to enable participants to explore issues relevant to curriculum development, implementation, institutionalization and evaluation with a view to developing skills in curriculum analysis and decision-making at various levels. Participants should be able to further their understanding of the curriculum innovation and change process with reference to significant curriculum reforms at the local, regional and international levels. This programme is offered both online and face-to-face.

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Modality & Class Times

M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction is offered in two modalities (1) Face-to-Face (2) Online and Summer.

  • The face-to-face programme is offered Mondays to Fridays from 4:00pm to 7:00pm
  • The Online and Summer is a self-financing programme offered using online synchronous and asynchronous delivery and face-to-face or online sessions during the summer. 

Email to seek information on courses fitting this criteria.



Option A:  Twelve Taught Courses ONLY  - 36 Credits

Compulsory Courses

EDCU6017: Philosophical, Psychological and Sociological Foundations of Curriculum

EDCU6018: Principles of Curriculum Development and Implementation

EDCU6024: Pedagogies Across the Curriculum

EDCU6026: Curriculum Evaluation

EDCU6310: Curriculum Policy and Planning

EDRS6002: Research Methods

EDRS6004: Applied Research in Education


ONE Additional Research Course from list below

EDRS6023: Introduction to Qualitative Research OR

EDRS6726: Quantitative Research Methods  OR    

EDRS6003: Mixed Methods Research in Education


Plus 4 other free electives or as recommended by Option Coordinator

Option B: NINE Taught Courses & a Research Project - 36 Credits

Compulsory Courses

EDCU6017: Philosophical, Psychological and Sociological Foundations of Curriculum

EDCU6018: Principles of Curriculum Development and Implementation

EDCU6024: Pedagogies Across the Curriculum

EDCU6026: Curriculum Evaluation

EDCU6310: Curriculum Policy and Planning

EDRS6002:  Research Methods


ONE Research Course from list below

EDRS6023: Introduction to Qualitative Research OR

EDRS6726: Quantitative Research Methods OR    

EDRS6003: Mixed Methods Research in Education


Plus TWO other free electives or as recommended by Option Coordinator



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