Programme Summary
The reconceptualised M.Ed. in ECE programme seeks to provide participants with the competencies and requisite skills to meet the needs of young children and to make a contribution to the development of the early childhood sector in Jamaica and the wider Caribbean. As they progress though the programme students will improve their critical and analytic thinking while simultaneously improving their practice and research skills. Through this, they will be given opportunities to engage in rich discourse on key areas relevant to early childhood education and early childhood leadership. Participants will also have the opportunity to review extant literature, conduct field work, conduct research and disseminate findings to their colleagues and other stakeholders.
Entry Requirements
To be eligible for admission to the programme applicants must have an undergraduate degree in early childhood or primary education with at least a Lower Second Class Honours degree or its equivalent. Admission of those who do not have these qualifications will be based upon the discretion of the programme coordinator. Those who do not possess a degree in Early Childhood Education would normally have at least 3 years of experience in teaching children at the early childhood level.
Modality & Class Times
M.Ed in arly Childhood Education (Pedagogy) a face-to-face programme offered in the afternoons between the hours of 4:00 to 7:00 pm. Classes are held Mondays through Fridays for all programmes.