Dr Thompson’s research has focused primarily in the areas of Educational Leadership, Planning and Policy and his publication output in these areas has been remarkable. Arising from his research, he proposes several theories to guide relationships among school leaders and other stakeholders, which interprets post-modernism within the context of Some of Dr Thompson’s his peer-reviewed publications include one (1) book, one (1) edited book, one (1) monograph and five (5) articles in local and international journals. He also has one (1) book accepted for publication by UWI Press. The evidence for this is attached.
In total, his peer-reviewed scholarly publications, are as follows:
- Four (4) single-authored books -Two (2) published and one (1) accepted for publication by The UWI Press; one (1) published by Arawak Publications.
- Twelve (12) journal articles in local and international journals;
- One (1) monograph published by Arawak Publications;
- One (1) edited book.
In addition, he has two (2) book chapters and three (3) articles accepted for publication in peer-reviewed journals.
In 2019, Dr Thompson received Principals' Award (UWI) for Best Publication (Article Category), Faculty of Humanities and Education - Thompson, C. S. (2018c) Leadership behaviours that nurture organizational trust: Re-examining the fundamentals. Journal of Human Resource Management.
Dr Thompson is responsible for the developing the Caribbean Centre for Educational Planning (CCEP) in 2017, which was established to influence pedagogical and philosophical approaches to planning in educational institutions. The approach to planning proposed by the CCEP is directly linked to the research undertaken by Dr Thompson.
In carrying out the work of the CCEP, Dr Thompson has also incorporated students from the M.Ed. Planning and Policy programme, particularly in developing in school improvement plans. The CCEP was responsible for staging a Symposium on Sustainable Planning in 2019 and a globally telecast webinar on the Caribbean education sector’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. It was also responsible for guiding the development of school improvement plans of over 150 schools across the Caribbean.
Professional Activities
Since joining the staff of School of Education, Dr Thompson has been teaching courses at the graduate level in areas of educational leadership and administration, educational planning and policy, educational legislation and ethics, school management, philosophy of education, and educational supervision. He has taught twelve (12) graduate courses and students have generally rated his teaching performance with a mean score of 4.3.
His involvement and leadership in the area of programme development, coordination and supervision in the School of Education is noteworthy. He has made significant contributions in (a) the development of the M. Ed. in Educational Planning and Policy (b) the revision of the M.Ed. in Educational Administration Programme to produce a new Masters programme in Educational Leadership and Management and (c) the development of the Master of Arts in Higher Education Management which was approved in 2016. He is also responsible for steering the development of the Doctor of Education (ED.D.) programme which is now at the stage where it will be reviewed by the Faculty Quality Assurance Committee. In this latter contribution, Dr Thompson should be commended for his tenacity to see this project through to the end despite several drawbacks during the development process.
Dr Thompson has served as the coordinator for the M.Ed. in Planning and Policy programme since its inception in 2016. This is one of the newer, self-financed programmes of the School of Education. Registration in the programme has been on average, upwards of twenty (20) students. Since the retirement of the other member of staff responsible for Educational Administration progamme in 2019, Dr Thompson also serves as coordinator for the new M.Ed. – Leadership and Management programme. This is largest graduate programme in the School of Education with sixty-eight (68) students registered in 2020-21 academic year.
Dr Thompson has developed sixteen new graduate courses for the School of Education, thirteen (13) of which are offered among the graduate courses of the School of Education. The remaining three (3) are included in the ED.D. programme which is being reviewed. He also developed two undergraduate courses for the Department of Government.
He has supervised to completion, twenty-six (26) M.Ed. research projects and is currently supervising two (2) M.Phil., one Ph.D. student in the School of Education and one (1) DBA student in the Mona School of Business and Management. One Ph.D. student has submitted his thesis for examination.
Several consultancies aimed at building capacity in schools and colleges in Jamaica and Antigua have been undertaken by Dr Thompson. He was also Deputy Lead Consultant in the OECS School Leadership Accountability Project which was engaged in leadership development and capacity-building in school improvement planning for primary school principals from Dominica, St. Lucia, Grenada and St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
Dr Thompson currently serves on the Editorial Boards of three journals - Educational Planning Journal, Caribbean Journal of Mixed Methods Research and the Journal of Human Resource Management. He also served as Expert Panellist and made presentations at various UNESCO webinars and conferences and is a member of four professional organizations.
Upholding Reputation Of The University
Dr Thompson was appointed by the Vice-Chancellor to serve as Co-chair of a committee charged with the responsibility to lead a process of “Reimagining The UWI 2020/2021 and Beyond” in 2020. This committee which comprised representatives from the senior levels of all five campuses, was charged with the responsibility of devising a roadmap for enabling The UWI to survive and thrive despite current challenges particularly considering the COVID-19.
Dr Thompson has been sought as a speaker through Invited Lectures and Special Presentations to address issues on educational leadership.
Dr Thompson has used his research findings as well as his provocative ideas to promote public awareness on improving leadership, policymaking, accountability and economic growth and development in Jamaica. He is an active contributor in critical public discourse being a regular contributor to the newspapers and on radio and television.
Published Works Include