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Course Title: 
Data Science Capstone Group Project I
Core Course: 
Course Aims: 

This course is the required group project course for all students seeking a graduate diploma in Applied Data Science. It is intended to be a capstone course that will bring together many of the topics that were covered in the rest of the curriculum. For this reason, students will be expected to take this course as their final paper with no outstanding credits required for the award of their Diploma and will be allotted 3 months to complete the project. The project must encompass all matters relating to the Data Science Process: Data Retrieval from external sources, pre-processing and cleaning, preparation and modelling. The data sources may either be structured or unstructured.

Students will be allowed to conduct the project in pairs, where numbers do not allow for equal pairs, the course coordinator may grant approval for one group of 3 with extended project scope.

Course Assessment: 

The final mark for each project will be based on documents, artifacts, presentations and demonstrations (where appropriate) of the following:

  •   Project Plan/Proposal 10%

  •   Technical Documentation 25%

  •   Software artifacts 25%

  •   Final Presentation 40% Management Report

    Presentation and demonstration of the final product

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