A student who desires to pursue the internship in a particular semester should submit the internship application in the period before. Please note the differences in the procedure for the student who wants The UWI Department of Computing (DoC) to identify a company for them and the students who would identify their own internship companies.
All students may apply for the Computing internship provided that they are pursuing a major or minor in any of the Computing degrees, have completed the core courses for the second year of the programme, and have a GPA of at least 2.0.
Express Interest - The student informs The UWI Department of Computing of their interest to pursue a Computing interest. In response, the student will be provided with this list of steps for the internship application process.
Identify Internship - The student will:
Await the identification of an internship opportunity by the DoC for the student's internship or
Identifies his/her potential internship (if this is their desire).
Determine Internship Length - The Department of Computing should also be informed whether the student is seeking to pursue the 3-credit internship (COMP3911 - 150 hours) or the 6-credit internship (COMP3912 - 300 hours).
In the case where the student identified his/her own internship, the student must provide The Department of Computing (Dr. Carl Beckford or Dr. Sean T Miller) with the name of the internship company and email address of the company contact.
In the case where the department will locate the internship for the student at this step the student must inform the department of the credit hours they wish to undertake.
Vet the Internship - The potential internship company is contacted and the work to be undertaken for the internship is agreed to be Computing tasks which demands the knowledge of a Bachelor degree in Computing. They should also agree to the 150-hours or 300-hours internship, to provide a mentor/supervisor and to submit an evaluation of the student's internship at the end of the period.
Submit Application Form - The student submits the internship application which includes the completed internship application form, resume, and unofficial transcript. The UWI Computing Internship Application Form may be found here.
Register on SAS - The student registers for the course when the registration period is open. For the registration process, the student also selects the "Lecturer Approval Required Override" option. The lecturer approval override is provided only after the student internship has commenced.
Internship Launch Meeting - The student is invited to the Internship Launch Meeting for the period and is provided with the Internship Course documents including Presentation and Report Weekly and Final Criteria, Assessment Rubric, and Student Evaluation Form.
Weekly Presentations - The student makes a maximum of eight (semester 1 or 2) and at least four (for summer) weekly verbal presentations concerning the internship.
Written Weekly Reports - The student submits a maximum of eight (semester 1 or 2) and at least four (for summer) weekly reports of the internship.
Final Assessments - The student completes all final assessments (final portfolio and final presentation) by the final teaching week or examination week of the course.
Student Evaluation - The completed student evaluation by the internship company and/or mentor/supervisor is requested and/or received from the company.
Final Grade - The student is assigned an overall grade for the course (in light of the above).
Dr. Sean T Miller |
Dr. Carl Beckford |
Lecturer | Lecturer |
carl.beckford@uwimona.edu.jm |